My 4 year old's power move?

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Some of you may recall me posting his swing at 18 months. Well, he's 4 years old now and here is his swing:

YouTube - 4 year old golfer

in slo-mo:

Keep in mind I have never taught him a thing- I just let him hit. I'm not looking for a critique of his swing- he wouldn't listen to me anyway. Believe it or not, he never misses the ball!

Other than the fact that he crosses the line more than anybody could cross a line, he has an incredible "dip" on the downswing (if you can rapid fire the pause button, you can see it). I can't do this if I tried without chunking it.

Is this a natural power move or a drastic swing flaw? (And no, I wouldn't dream of teaching him not to do it, nor would I know how to begin doing so.)
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he overswings, crosses the line, stads up, flips it, chickenwings it, he loses his balance ....:D:D:D:D

great swing

1. Overswings - Perhaps, but I told him to swing as hard as he could.

2. Crosses the line- More than anybody could possibly cross a line.

3. Stands up- Not in the traditional sense that he comes out of the shot, but merely explodes from the squat.

4. Flips it- Definitely does not cast and I think he maintains lag pretty well toward the end and creates an in-line condition at impact, although its too fuzzy to be sure.

5. Chicken wings- I disagree. Don't see a chicken wing move there at all. I watched this kid hit 5,000 whiffle balls and he has never hit a pull slice or failed to release!

6. Loses his balance-- Yeah, but he only weighs 38 pounds.

All in good fun!

1. Overswings - Perhaps, but I told him to swing as hard as he could.

2. Crosses the line- More than anybody could possibly cross a line.

3. Stands up- Not in the traditional sense that he comes out of the shot, but merely explodes from the squat.

4. Flips it- Definitely does not cast and I think he maintains lag pretty well toward the end and creates an in-line condition at impact, although its too fuzzy to be sure.

5. Chicken wings- I disagree. Don't see a chicken wing move there at all. I watched this kid hit 5,000 whiffle balls and he has never hit a pull slice or failed to release!

6. Loses his balance-- Yeah, but he only weighs 38 pounds.

All in good fun!


you got me archie!
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