My book progression

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I was looking through my golf books the other day and it was kind of funny the way I learned more, the type of books I bought changed so here it is in order:
1 "How I play Golf" Tiger Woods
2 "100 percent Golf" Leadbetter
3 "Ultimate Drill Book" McLean
4 "Shortgame Bible" Pelz
5 "Putting Bible" Pelz
6 "10 minutes a day to better putting" Pelz
7 "Tour Tempo" Novosel with Garrity
8 "Search for the perfect swing" Cochran and Stobbs
9 "The physics of Golf" Jorgensen
and today I finally picked up a copy of 5 lessons by you know who. I wouldn't even THINK about buying the first 3 nowadays.
No but I'm always open to suggestions on good golf books, but then again we're on the best book ever written that constantly evolves with new info so in some ways I think to myself, why should I spend money on old and sometimes incorrect info? I would like some books with pictures of swings as the swing itself can be studied forever.


New member
Shortgamer - The SLAP book is not based on old or incorrect info. It is based on film-computer analysis (using a camera capable of 500 frames/second) of the full golf swings of approximately 100 PGA golfers. It is the most scientifically-based book that I have read regarding "real life" golf swing biomechanics (in contrast to golf swing physics/geometrical mechanics -like TGM and numbers 8 and 9 on your list).


Brian Manzella


The Ralph Mann (any relation?) data in the "Swing Like a Pro" book is VERY VERY GOOD.

Too bad they had no idea how to teach it or interpret it.


New member
Brian - no relationship to Ralph Mann. We just have the same last name.

I know they have a website and offer online tutoring ( based on their Modelpro golfer, but I have no idea if their teaching is effective. I simply like their basic biomechanical concepts as expressed in the SLAP book.

I will have to dig the book out again if Brian has recommended it. If i remember they had some good overhead pictures of impact showing shoulder and hip alignments. Not so sure on the use of the old shaft to do the drills though.
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