My Confession

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I’ve been working on my swing with a video camera almost every day for the last two years. Although my swing appears to have improved, my shot pattern has worsened.

I suffer terribly from inconsistency. Some days I stand over the ball and my hands feel like they're not even mine. It’s like I’m a beginner whose just been taught the grip for the first time even though I’ve been playing regularly for 15 years.

I am plagued by horrific shots; from snap hooks with the driver to shanks with the wedge. I can feel them coming on but I’m powerless to prevent them.

Half of me wants to quit the game but the obsessive half won’t let me, that’s what it has become; - an OBSESSION. Guilt is my motivation, it’s what keeps me going; to give up now after all the countless hours invested is too painful a thought.

This fucking game is killing me, slowly but surely eating away at my soul.
You've obviously spent considerable effort already, causing the near mental meltdown, so you might consider scheduling some time with Brian, Jim or another AI before the gun goes off. You'd be amazed what an hour with Brian can do. (Spoken from experience.)

Maybe you can post a video for some feedback. The depth of field here is too great not to help you.

Where do you live?

I can feel your pain. When I found this site, I could go out and put up a 75 or a 90, never knowing which one was coming. More importantly, never knowing why. I spent about a month searching the archives on here and listening to what Brian had to say and then I bought Flipper. I realized everything I had been working on was just a band aid, when I needed surgery. The good news was it wasn't the old you have to get worse to get better, I hit the ball better the very first range session because I knew exactly what was wrong and what fixed it. Trust me, this place is a freaking gold mine of info. Good luck!


I’ve been working on my swing with a video camera almost every day for the last two years. Although my swing appears to have improved, my shot pattern has worsened.

I suffer terribly from inconsistency. Some days I stand over the ball and my hands feel like they're not even mine. It’s like I’m a beginner whose just been taught the grip for the first time even though I’ve been playing regularly for 15 years.

I am plagued by horrific shots; from snap hooks with the driver to shanks with the wedge. I can feel them coming on but I’m powerless to prevent them.

Half of me wants to quit the game but the obsessive half won’t let me, that’s what it has become; - an OBSESSION. Guilt is my motivation, it’s what keeps me going; to give up now after all the countless hours invested is too painful a thought.

This fucking game is killing me, slowly but surely eating away at my soul.

You wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang - you wanna be in my gang, oh yea!

Brother, I feel your pain and am going through exactly the same traumatic process.

BUT, I will not be beaten by this game and I save my "industrial language" for the golf course.

Suck it up and stick it out.
hang in there. i've been to a lot of the "top" teachers. you'll get more from this site then all of them combined.
I live in Ireland.

Much more difficult to avail yourself of Brian, but I believe he's coming.

Since you just joined, go through the archives looking for posts of interest. Especially watch ALL the free videos. Purchase Flipper and NSA. They're must haves. Building Blocks is good too. If you hook, then NHA.

Give it time to incubate. You'll be happy you did.

Post your swing.

It truly can be very hard and we can all relate to you. Esp. the ppl in here. (we aren't just weekenders)

Keep trying to improve. Keep asking questions. From the sounds of you I bet you won't quit. So that's good. You'll be back.

BTW ya post your swing. You can make things look good on video that don't work as well on the golf course as an "uglier" swing. Brian has written about that even from his own experiences.


BTW do YOU feel you have potential as a golfer? (aside from the CURRENT state of your game)
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Speaking of posting swings, is there anything someone needs to do in order to get a good response on their swing submission? I have seen swings posted that get tons of posts and some that seem ignored.
Speaking of posting swings, is there anything someone needs to do in order to get a good response on their swing submission? I have seen swings posted that get tons of posts and some that seem ignored.

It helps if the video is very clear and close enough to the person. Seeing both angles is also good.

Nothing is more frustrating that a video of someone from one angle, very small in the frame, and where you can't even see their grip. Those tend to get ignored.
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