My cure for over the top

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Sup guys Ive been playing a little over a year and still come over the top always hitting a fade or slice..

Was just messing around in the yard and figured something out that works for me!
I turned my head a hair to the left , The opposite direction Jack would turn his..

Im a right handed golfer and turning my head this way lets me look at the ball with my right eye.. The whole golf swing philosophy and the way i see the swing changed instantly!

It's almost impossible to come over the top by setting up this way! Finally felt the lower body lead the swing as well. Almost feels like a pelvic thrust a little to the right of the target.

Excited to try this at the range tomorrow . One question. Does an inside out swing give you more yardage than a slightly over the top swing?

Dariusz J.

New member
Most prolly you're a RED person. Nicklaus was a heavily LED person. Eye dominance, IMO, is very underrated aspect in golf although I wouldn't say it is a culprit for major swing faults though.

I have a big bowl of Corn Flakes each morning with a little optimism sprinkled on ! So no thank you ill pass on the band-aid
I know of a well known instructor who promotes using head tilts for fades and draws with much success. I've tried it myself and there definitely seems to be something to it. Whether there is any science to back it up is a different matter entirely.
Head tilt changes eye line. I think it would effect putting more than swinging. I believe that any move from the top, over or under, is a reaction to ball flight. And only be changing ball flight can you change the move. Drills are ineffectual if the ball keeps slicing or hooking.
Curious because I have no thought about which tilt would cause which ball flight, what did Calvin do?
If I were to venture a guess...draw guy head tilt is water coming out of the right ear (for righties), slice guy is the opposite. I bet Cal used a draw guy head to fade it.
I can honestly say this... I messed around with this a few weeks back ( I am very right eye dominant ) and when I tilted my head to the left, totally took the right side out of play - and I'm a chronic fader. I only did this with the driver though. I didn't mess too much with it because I don't know what problems this may unintentionally cause, but this is an interesting thread
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