quote:Originally posted by Tball88
Birdie man, please talk a bit more about the delay of the right arm drive. I'm a hitter but I usually start driving immediately, maybe I'm missing something key here...
It's a hard thing to get yourself to do...maybe the hardEST. Almost every golfer has that natural impulse to drive that right arm at the ball ASAP...it's been said before- golf is the only sport (besides a slapshot in hockey) where your right wrist remains bent as you hurl your arm in the direction of the "throw" (or swing or w/e).
Hmmm...so how did I get myself to stop doing it? I honestly don't know man. I practiced a lot...um- I really like Brian's "Divot Drill" off Confessions of a Former Flipper.
I actually used to do that in my backyard to groove in impact...the thing is, to get to impact with lots of lag you HAVE TO be able to delay the driving of that right arm until very late in the downswing...really, it all starts with the Start Down.
Brian sometimes calls it a drop of the hands ("Drop and pivot")...that's a good way to think of it...to me it doesn't consciously feel like a drop though...not anymore anyway.
I personally, in my own swing, like to think of it more as a delay now. When I think of a "drop" I start to get slack in my left arm on the way down. Personally.
Anyway, they're absolutely right though...you have to "take up the slack" with your left side, and then hit (DOWN) into it.
Kind of like punching someone...try leaning back and then, slowly, take a big step and, slowly, throw a punch. That step adds so much power. Try punching with your feet together...you can throw that fist out, and fire those hips as fast as you want- there's just no leverage there.
When you take that fist back you kind of torque up (I guess this would the "backswing"). When you take a step forward (like "taking up the slack" in a golf swing I guess) to throw the punch, it just adds so much power.
You have to almost figure out how to take a step in your golf swing...just w/o
actually taking a real step lol. The step in a punch is kind of like the hip bump in a golf swing. Step then pivot around that step.
That hip bump's so crucial- it shifts your weight onto the left side so you can properly time the driving of your hands to that weight shift, creating lag/power. Just like a punch. You have to have that almost sequential (it's kind of a blended move) shift onto the left side/turn around that left side. Just like a punch.
Try the divot drill. Hit em until you start feeling that lag. You'll know it when you feel it....or until you run outa grass lol
***BTW- also remember- a HITTER only goes to 3/4...VERY CRUCIALLY important! You can't "drop" anything (i.e. your hands/club!!! lol) if you look like John Daly on the backswing...you could drop your club down on the ground behind you but I don't think you'll get that ball anywhere like that [8D] Even if you take the club to parallel at the top of your backswing you can't really drop it...