My impact hands

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Was just curious if my impact is good or bad. Here is a picture of impact hitting a 9 iron.



Camera angle can be a tough nut to crack. Ditto what the above poster said including the "SEEMS" part. What do your TM numbers look like?
Just as Matt Kluck said in a thread somewhere that I read, hitting different trajectory shots is easier once you are able to separate the hands/arms some from the body pivot. This may be something worth working on.
What's the ballflight?

I hit all my irons pretty much dead straight and high ball flight . Distance is weak though. I'm a smaller guy like Cory Pavin .
Pw 105
7Iron 145
5iron 175

Just got home from the range and was using my swing radar and was getting the same exact club head speed with my 3 iron that i get with my driver. Any clue what causes that?
You'd have to figure out your real CHS when hitting a ball using a more accurate device (if you can) before you pass any judgment about your technique. ie if you're swinging a 5 iron 95 mph and getting 175 yards out of it, that's a problem. If you're hitting it solid and swinging at a speed that should generate those numbers, then there's not much else you can do other than learn how to hit it harder.

95 mph?
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where did you get 95 Mph? I said my 3 iron and driver was the same speed but i never mentioned the MPH
95 is pretty close though to my driver though lol. I was hitting my 3 iron and driver both 98 MPH
I hit the ball pure just want more distance lol
Here's a swing of my 5 iron , any advice?
If videos are not allowed to be up i will take it down .



Swing speed radar is not very accurate,it gives a higher than actual reading.

98mph for a 3 iron is pretty good as that is about tour average.If you can swing a 3 iron that fast you should be able to swing a driver 110mph.

I see a huge loss of tushline and lumbar lordosis.I suppose you can play ok doing that but it's not the ideal biomechanics.
Pretty good eye Ej20
Im well aware of losing the tush line at impact. Ive always had a problem of raising up a little in the backswing so maybe once i fix that the goat humping will cure itself. I messed my back up in a car wreck but have been hitting the weights and doing yoga to help with that.
Thanks for the input
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