Just as Matt Kluck said in a thread somewhere that I read, hitting different trajectory shots is easier once you are able to separate the hands/arms some from the body pivot. This may be something worth working on.
I hit all my irons pretty much dead straight and high ball flight . Distance is weak though. I'm a smaller guy like Cory Pavin .
Pw 105
7Iron 145
5iron 175
Just got home from the range and was using my swing radar and was getting the same exact club head speed with my 3 iron that i get with my driver. Any clue what causes that?
You'd have to figure out your real CHS when hitting a ball using a more accurate device (if you can) before you pass any judgment about your technique. ie if you're swinging a 5 iron 95 mph and getting 175 yards out of it, that's a problem. If you're hitting it solid and swinging at a speed that should generate those numbers, then there's not much else you can do other than learn how to hit it harder.
where did you get 95 Mph? I said my 3 iron and driver was the same speed but i never mentioned the MPH
95 is pretty close though to my driver though lol. I was hitting my 3 iron and driver both 98 MPH
I hit the ball pure just want more distance lol
Here's a swing of my 5 iron , any advice?
If videos are not allowed to be up i will take it down .
Pretty good eye Ej20
Im well aware of losing the tush line at impact. Ive always had a problem of raising up a little in the backswing so maybe once i fix that the goat humping will cure itself. I messed my back up in a car wreck but have been hitting the weights and doing yoga to help with that.
Thanks for the input