My lesson with Brian - is it REALLY this simple??

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Before I begin, I will tell you that this likely will NOT be a short thread, so while I will try my best to keep from rambling, I can't promise anything. So, if you don't like to read, go on to the next topic!!

I had my first lesson with Brian yesterday in Baton Rouge. Of course, with my luck, after a week of temperatures in the 80's, it was about overcast, windy and about 60, but once you get warmed up, you don't notice the weather.

To start with, I'm a pretty decent player...scoring average this year of 73.5 and occasionally I can break 70. Nnormally a balky putter/short game is the culprit, but my long game generally holds up. However, over the past couple of months, my ball striking has become atrocious, some sort of OTT move, coupled with a hold on at impact so as not to pull/hook it off the course. So, much to Brian's dismay (after realizing I was the one on the range he had to work with), we got started.

After initial filming, where Brian noticed my little "flip" at the bottom, he began explaining wedding ring down and several other drills designed to "de-chicken wing" and "de-flip" my impact position. Of course, since it takes awhile to get through my thick skull, he went through different explanations, feels, thoughts, etc before I started to make what were a few decent moves. (By the way, I want it said now that I could be responsible for a new drill, so if it shows up on video or otherwise, you will know it came from my inability to grasp an otherwise simple concept)

As we progressed, I began to realize that nothing had been said about my grip, stance, backswing, nothing...all the other areas I felt like I clearly had to have something wrong with. As I would ask questions about these areas, Brian would 1) cover his ears or 2) tell me that worrying about all that was MY responsibility. Finally, however, he said something like "okay, if you need to hear it (which I DID), your backswing is fine". As a result, for 2 hours we worked on nothing but left arm rotation at impact and getting my left arm "against the movie screens", and my left wrist more toward the ground at my "pose" position, which was primarily a 3/4 finish. I tried a few full shots, but it didn't take long for Brian to tell me to go back to the shorter swings, not to mention that I was likely going to endanger the others on the range.

After I FINALLY started ONE ball to the right and drew it back to the target (which was my assignment), Brian got out of there FAST, likely wondering what he had gotten himself into (actually that shot seemed to coincide with the time being up, that's how long it took me to do one correctly). However, I can say one thing with confidence that despite my thick head and disgust for my lack of progress, he DID really like my irons (TM 2006 MB's), which he will be receiving shortly from TM.

Since I'm rambling, I will now come to the point of this thread. I went to Baton Rouge certain that I was doing who knew how many things wrong, but ended up working on just one thing. As I write this, I still am having a little difficulty getting my arms around the whole experience. I would have never guessed that I would only work on ONE thing, which would result in shallower divots that actually pointed at my target. I was prepared to have Brian drawing lines all over the place showing all the spots where I was out of position, etc, but at least for this lesson, it was ONE simple fix. Now, I certainly don't have this mastered by any means, and who knows maybe a second lesson would result in Brian pointing out several other things that he figured he better not mess with yesterday...I don't know, and while it may not be that simple for some of you reading this post, perhaps a word of advice, maybe stop looking for so many things to correct and simplify the could just be the answer!!

Overall, I had a great experience, and it was well worth the money...after I work on this awhile, I'm sure I will go back for another lesson and let Brian marvel at how well I'm doing...well that or either watch him shake his head and get back in the car, but hopefully the former. So, if any of you are thinking of arranging a lesson, don't delay, you won't regret it.
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Hmm, I'll try, but I doubt I'll do a good job of it

tchilds, could you explain "arms against the movie screens"?

I'll give it a shot, but I'm sure Brian or one of the other instructors can come along after and tell you what it really is.

If you are hitting a shot, pretend there is a movie screen directly in front of you. About 1/2-3/4 of the way in your follow through, you want your left arm laying directly on the screen, with the butt of the club pointing at the ball/target line. You can also pretend there is a screen behind you, and you want your left arm to also lay flat against that screen (this is a little further into the follow through), with a 90 degree angle between your upper and lower arm. Ah, who am I kidding...I can't explain this at all, it's very hard to visualize, especially from this description...better let one more knowledgeable than me tell you what it is. sorry I can't tell you any better.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Yup, another satisfied band-aid/quick fix customer who is "magically" playing better. ;)

Ya see folks, if you know what the ROOT CAUSES of ANYONE's problem is, most of the time it isn't much you are doing wrong. Tchild is a perfect example:

1) figured his grip was off
2) stance was wrong
3) OTT move needed fixing

But when you know what brian does (me too now) is that he simply had a clubface problem. Had the club too open and needed to flip it, come over it, etc to get the ball to the target.

Fix the face and like "magic" divots were shallow and ball went where it wanted too.

Amazing isn't it ;) ?
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