My lesson with MJ

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Thats Mike Jacobs, not Jordon.

Is there a holy grail? It all depends of how much you want it.

Me I found my holy grail in golf. Its simple I found a teacher that knows how to teach. I'm not looking to go on tour just enjoy playing golf. Mike showed me instantly were in the last 17 yrs noone has of what was wrong with my swing and (why) you hear me, why I have the trouble I'm having. He showed me how to correct it—he didnt show me something I couldn't handle—just the right way for me to better my play. Taught me the right way to pivot (which I was doing wrong).

What I want to stress to people like me, is that someone has to show the proper way in a swing, it's hard to perceive it by reading it. That will be a good teacher. Mike gave me his video and the video he made of me, and also explained on the video step-by-step of how to do the things he showed. He gave me a 2 hour session for the price of 1. He said I wouldn't leave untill I was satisfied. I wasnt. The lesson was easy to understand for a 72 YR old and I left there feeling like a 30yr old just learning the game

I like to thank Brian for this site and for recommending Mike and most of all Mr. Doyle for teaching Brian and Mike...was a great day for me ...joe parise (joeparr)

Brian Manzella

Of course, I knew that already....

I would NEVER EVER give someone my "stamp of approval" without knowing that person was in the top 1% of anyone in the business.

Mike is in that number easily.

I am very glad you went to see him and got some good help. Everyone—even Tiger—needs it.

Mike and I are doing a school early this summer and it will be second to none. ;)
In addition to my lesson with Mike Jacobs. He had put on a tool called tic tac that fit on you left wrist ,It would tic as soon as your wrist bent. Immediatly when I addressed the ball my wrist would bend and click with the glove. So This was my first problem and then it clicked in the backswing my second problem (meaning my wrist werent flat). Mike showed me how to have a flat left wrist right away. well, I`m still working on the left wrist. He noticed right away that I had no pop when I hit the ball, so came my pivot(used the right way) he had me hitting my 8 iron 20 yrds longer by keeping my wrist flat and my pivot working like they suppose to. What a lesson I cant wait till my next...joe
Well here goes ,Mike put the tic tac on my wrist as soooon as I gripped the club TIC, Mike says oh,oh we have a problem He then showed me how the club lies and how to grip it with the left had so I wouldnt get the click My grip was to strong and had to go to a nuetral grip.Then he had me make a backstroke clic,clic. He then showed me how to fix that. In a couple of tries I started my back swing ticless. I started making small pitches and trying to keep a straight left wrist. Now that was really hard. Kept doing short swings gradually to larger swings. After quite awhile I started getting results I would occasionally get an awesome swing feeling that pop I needed and that was when I had a flat left wrist This tic tac made me think so different,I didnt want to hear it and concitated so much more. I need alot of work with the turning of the top and bottom bones of my left arm. This was the reason I couldnt hit irons. On my follow tru I would see the back of my left hand when it should of been my palm. It gave me such of an understanding of how the swing works. A simple invention with great results. Mikes video is awesum also he explained everything like I was an 8yr old and I needed that for it was easy to inderstand all the fundermentals of the game. I`ll be practicing every day and spare time I got cause I`m going to kick some ass this year...joe
Hi Joe glad you had a top lesson. Were you taught impact address hands then as tic tac un clicked at address would suggest that. Unless of course you had it on your right wrist.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
Lesson with Joe - Instructors point of view

Enjoyed working with Joe, very nice man with a lot of spirit.

Joe came to me filled with the typical lesson tee hearsay-

He was executing what he thought was a right forearm takeway - he was trying to move his right forearm first to pull his pivot along - he was taking his grip with the shaft at address along with a bent left wrist - as a result of all this he was treating the golf club like a baseball bat (as if the sweet spot was in line with the hands)

I worked with him to take his grip at impact with a flat left wrist (no tic with the tac tic)

HAd him start his swing from the left shoulder and left hip

Maintain flat left wrist to top

from impact into 2/3 swivel I trained him to maintain a flat left wrist and showed him how to rotate shaft around the sweet spot - By explaining the proper motion of left forearm - trained him to rotate radius bone over the ulna bone of forearm ( i believe Brian has referred to this as wedding ring up) and then to continue that so that at 2/3 swivel the back of his left hand would face the fairway

This was a typical lesson that I give many times a day year after year , with a student who was trying to do his homework and still wasn't making the progress he deserved . I hope to see you again soon Joe -- keep working at!
Michael why in your opinion do the majority of tour pros i have in my collection never allow the sweet spot to completely rotate around the hosel at the 2/3 transfer position. Is this camera trickery, or what has been taught to them. It almost appears that they are just holding off this position. Could it be a lack of understanding leading to fear of the dreaded better players problem a quick snap hook.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
Great point ! WIth more of angled higning on approach shots they can land the ball softer on lightening fast hard greens - so they learned to play that way. Amateurs don't have that issue..... I played a tournament last year and had a tough time holding the hard fast greens at Bethpage with my standard procedure so I played day 2 with angled hinging on approach shots and held the greens much better
Makes perfect sense. Thank you for such a swift reply. I thought the Open at Bethpage was awesome, what a great course. Tillinghurst i think could be mistaken.
Could you explain the 2/3 transfer position and angle hinging,please...And I`m having such a tough time trying to get my palm facing me (or wedding ring up)
my tic tac is ticking and tocking like a clock striking 12. Any easier way of learning it?...joe

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
joe, if its clicking into follow thru, make sure you are using your pivot - clear your hips - flat left wrist - sustain that flat left wrist to 2/3 through your left forearm rotation as described on that dvd i made for you -- Stay the course!
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