My swing-comments?

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I am not new to Brian's site, but I just read and don't post very often. Here is a swing of mine taken last February.

Here is what I see, but not sure how or if I should fix....back is a little rounded at set up, arms don't rotate well going back causing a vertical shaft. At the top, the club crosses the line. Club still vertical coming down. Kind of a 'stiff wristed' follow thru. Ball flight with driver is straight/fade. Ball flight with irons is straight/draw.

Let me know what you guys think and any drills, etc.

I put your swing in V1 Home and due to the quality it appeared the ball went left. Is this correct? Also have you tried any / all of Brians videos? For me I saw the need for a bit more pivot back and thru. Kind of take away your arms action and the flip to find the ball. The best drill (impossible even for me) put a golf ball behind the ball (Video NHA2 for details) or ball in front of a divot (easier for me). Remember one thing at a time if you choose someones tip....
Wait for Brian's input, but I think you are setting up with too little axis tilt, and it shows up later in the swing. Your pivot is probably fine, but you need to set up with a bit more axis tilt to allow yourself some "room" on the downswing.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
there aren't many frames per second so it's hard to disect but initially; i'd guess that:

When you are striking it well you probably score decent (if you can putt) however your "off" days can go pretty bad. Am i close?
I am not new to Brian's site, but I just read and don't post very often. Here is a swing of mine taken last February.

Here is what I see, but not sure how or if I should fix....back is a little rounded at set up, arms don't rotate well going back causing a vertical shaft. At the top, the club crosses the line. Club still vertical coming down. Kind of a 'stiff wristed' follow thru. Ball flight with driver is straight/fade. Ball flight with irons is straight/draw.

Let me know what you guys think and any drills, etc.


IMO, you are a little flippy because the face is open at the top. A little toe hang and a cupped left wrist.

If you fix the face you'll start hitting it left of Hillary, but you'll start to lean the shaft on the ball to fix it. When you do, you'll enjoy the strikes.

Otherwise, you look like a pretty good player!
there aren't many frames per second so it's hard to disect but initially; i'd guess that:

When you are striking it well you probably score decent (if you can putt) however your "off" days can go pretty bad. Am i close?

I don't mean this the way it will sound, but I don't have a variety of ball striking days. Most days, I hit about 6/14 fairways and 10/18 greens. My scores depend almost entirely on my chipping. If I get up/down 5 or 6 out of 8 times, I shoot 71, if I get up/down 2/8, I shoot 76.
but I think you are setting up with too little axis tilt

Just recently, I've started putting a bit more weight on my right side at setup...this has given me a bit more axis tilt. I was hoping it would help the lack of rotation on the backswing, but that hasn't changed.
Just recently, I've started putting a bit more weight on my right side at setup...this has given me a bit more axis tilt. I was hoping it would help the lack of rotation on the backswing, but that hasn't changed.

On second look (I'm no Brimanz :) ), I would say a sharper hip turn (with the right hip) would definitely help. Again to "create some room" for your downswing. I would worry about it getting you underplane eventually, but I don't think it would at least initially.


Under pressure, I probably tend to hit thin right or just occasionally a fatty.

sorry, should have been more clear. what is this swing producing that you don't like?

How can anyone offer advice without knowing what is currently happening or what you want to happen.
sorry, should have been more clear. what is this swing producing that you don't like?

How can anyone offer advice without knowing what is currently happening or what you want to happen.

Because a lot of the time you can kind of tell what's happening just looking at the video. But, you are right in that you want to know what the student wants to do more than anything.
sorry, should have been more clear. what is this swing producing that you don't like?

How can anyone offer advice without knowing what is currently happening or what you want to happen.

The reason I want to change or work on changing my swing, is my results are too inconsistent. My misses are both directions. There doesn't seem to be any precision. Maybe that is a product of the amount of practice I put it.


right or left

The reason I want to change or work on changing my swing, is my results are too inconsistent. My misses are both directions. There doesn't seem to be any precision. Maybe that is a product of the amount of practice I put it.

which miss would you like to reduce? the left or the right?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I am not new to Brian's site, but I just read and don't post very often. Here is a swing of mine taken last February.

Here is what I see, but not sure how or if I should fix....back is a little rounded at set up, arms don't rotate well going back causing a vertical shaft. At the top, the club crosses the line. Club still vertical coming down. Kind of a 'stiff wristed' follow thru. Ball flight with driver is straight/fade. Ball flight with irons is straight/draw.

Let me know what you guys think and any drills, etc.


Ex, IMO your face simply opens too much too soon and you sling it closed then hang on thru impact. Try a few 3/4 shots with the feel that your right palm faces away from you the entire swing.
Ex, IMO your face simply opens too much too soon and you sling it closed then hang on thru impact. Try a few 3/4 shots with the feel that your right palm faces away from you the entire swing.

That is interesting you say that because that is exactly how I feel. But, how do I account for the closed clubface halfway back? Not significant?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I dont see that as being closed. It mat be delofted a bit but not closed. Your clubhead moves alot before anything else which places it behind the hands, or open. Try a little lagging clubhead takeaway with a little twist and keep that palm down throughout the swing. If it goes left, keep up your pivot. If it still goes left, check your grip.
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