my swing feel

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I have noticed that when I am hitting the driver best, I literally swing out of my shoes, meaning I stand up through impact onto my toes. I don't necessarily swing hard, maybe 85%. Is this a power leak, and if so what can I try to focus on to correct this?
I've seen Nicklaus and Gil Morgan do this also. Percy Boomer said that women should do it for more power. I think this can more forcefully uncock the left wrist through Impact, if done the right way.


I did this move in the old days, before I discovered TGM. The reason I did it back then was becasue if I didn't the club would bottom out about a foot behind the ball. I had to get on my toes so I wouldn't drop kick the ball.

I fixed it by working on a flat left wrist and a bent right wrist and now I don't leave the ground and I maintain my spine angle through the shot.




I find that when this does happen, it is not a concious thing that I am doing. I kind of feel that I am keeping my left side out of the way in doing this, at least this is the sensation I get. Usually my better tee shots result when this happens, longer and straighter. I am mainly just curious as to what was going on. The chase for the illusive 'enlightenment' continues. Thanks for all of your comments.

Speaking of bent right wrist, I had a guy at the range tell me yesterday that I was holding my right wrist back at impact and I needed to get my hands through. Never mind that I was outhitting him by 40-50 yards, not to mention straighter (this says alot, I am not quite consistent enough yet, but things are coming around). I was polite.

Also, somebody somewhere posted a picture or video with a clubshaft through a range bucket. Whoever you are, thanks a TON. I hit a couple of draws yesterday with the driver, first time in a LONG time. I'm getting there.


What I found was that if you do have a hands controlled pivot, your body will do what it has to do to get your hands in the position you are going for (whether it be correct or not). I too did not stand up on my toes intentionally. If you setup at impact fix with your feet on the ground then when you make your shot you should pass through this same position. Don't get hung up on positions though, alignments are the key, they will get you to the positions.

Maybe you are standing too close to the ball...

Do you maintain your spine angle?
Does your right shoulder drive down plane toward the ball?

quote:Originally posted by cmat

Also, somebody somewhere posted a picture or video with a clubshaft through a range bucket. Whoever you are, thanks a TON. I hit a couple of draws yesterday with the driver, first time in a LONG time. I'm getting there.
I have not heard of this before. Could you please explain what it is you do with the clubshaft through the bucket?




clubshaft thru bucket, place it so that the grip end is about 6" behind the ball and about 6" above the ball, hit your driver without hitting the grip on the other clubshaft. Encourages inside out swing, because out to in hits the grip with the driver.

with regards to your questions, I don't have any sensation of standing up taller through impact, so I assume I maintain spine angle to a degree, no way for me to find out now though. I can say that my right shoulder feels like it goes downplane, because this is something I have been working on, getting my right elbow down towards my hip towards the ball. I know the way I typed that is probably not the correct terminology, but you know what I am getting at I hope.
Laura Davies crushes the ball. Her trademark impact position is that of lifting off the ground onto her toes. Like Newton's third law- if you hammer down hard uncocking the left wrist and drive your power package down- something must go up. And in Davies case- to get her upward- she must really power it downward.

Brian Manzella


All the above gave me the heebee-jeebees....

Not the original question though....

It is SIMPLY a way to either make room for a club that would hit the ground otherwise OR (and often) a way to STOP THE HIPS FOR MORE POWER.

Build up your thigh or turn your left toe in some or both.

If it is the radius problem: play the ball just barely in back of low point.
i had the same problem do you have much power accumulater no 2 at address, i used to hold my hands real low like mac ogrady but then they would come way up at impact like 11 degrees look at hogan he almost looks uncocked at address which is correct and when he comes through at impact he is at the same angle just one of the reasons he was so solid


When you say build up your left thigh, what do you mean? As far as turning in the left toe, anymore will be turned inward, I don't turn it outwards because of a knee reconstruction 7 years ago won't allow me to put that much lateral stress on the knee without pain. I do with wedges, but of course the turn around the knee is less forceful then, but that's too much info anyway. Thanks for all the help and I look forward to more.
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