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Hey, been reading htis forum for a while, Great site never really posted thought i would leave it to the guys who know what they are doing, but having some serious swing troubles and wondering if anyone here could help point me in the right direction.
A little background, just turned 16, 4.9 index, played since 7, competitively since last year. Hit about 6 greens a round and about 6 fairways, miss is thin and is either right or left, never know, and lately ive lost some distance for no apparent reason, even when it is solid with a divot it goes straight up in the air.
I know that i am "slinging" it down the line and losing some compression, the problem is that while i know that, i have no idea how to fix it, been to 2 different pros one told me to aim further write and flip the wrists, the other told me to swing more to the right with a bowed wrist, not going back to either, need to figure out what to work on as i have about a month before my next tourney
Thank you and Fire Away!
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It looks like you have next to no hip turn. Like a lot of young players you have a swing that turns enough to hit it a reasonable distance and then leaves it at that. Because you're not using the big muscles much you're very quick. Try and get your right hip in behind you more at the top and you should feel more power and with a smoother tempo. Look for some of Brian's posts or videos where he talks about the need for a good turn to get onto the Turned Shoulder Plane for the downswing. The down the line view will often show that your hands can only get as deep as your right hip lets them. The right hip enables the shoulders to turn a bit more and also dictates the plane the shoulders turn on. You can even cheat a little at address by sticking rear out which has the added benefit of a straight lower back. You may find accuracy to suffer a little but it's easier to straighten it out later as opposed to getting grooved into a swing that doesn't use your power sources.
4.9 index...Hit about 6 greens a round and about 6 fairways

WOW!!! Can I please, please, please, have your short game?! :) I'm hitting about 12 greens a round...and I'm playing off a 5.8 index!

having some serious swing troubles and wondering if anyone here could help point me in the right direction.

Pivot, pivot, pivot. Seems to me there is way too much arms in this swing and not nearly enough turn. Read up on Brian's 'perfect pivot' if you haven't already.
I think you look like a good Soft Draw candidate, but maybe that's just me.
I have been thinking about purchasing it, but am still undecided, most likely will though, why do you think i should lean towards the soft draw?

It looks like you have next to no hip turn. Like a lot of young players you have a swing that turns enough to hit it a reasonable distance and then leaves it at that. Because you're not using the big muscles much you're very quick. Try and get your right hip in behind you more at the top and you should feel more power and with a smoother tempo. Look for some of Brian's posts or videos where he talks about the need for a good turn to get onto the Turned Shoulder Plane for the downswing. The down the line view will often show that your hands can only get as deep as your right hip lets them. The right hip enables the shoulders to turn a bit more and also dictates the plane the shoulders turn on. You can even cheat a little at address by sticking rear out which has the added benefit of a straight lower back. You may find accuracy to suffer a little but it's easier to straighten it out later as opposed to getting grooved into a swing that doesn't use your power sources.
Yeah i definitely noticed the lack of hip turn, and the fact that my knees sway big time, Definitely want to make sure i hit it as far as i possibly can as distance is basically a necessity in junior golf now.

WOW!!! Can I please, please, please, have your short game?! :) I'm hitting about 12 greens a round...and I'm playing off a 5.8 index!

Pivot, pivot, pivot. Seems to me there is way too much arms in this swing and not nearly enough turn. Read up on Brian's 'perfect pivot' if you haven't already.
haha yeah its mainly because of my putting, I would put my money up against anybody in a putting contest and honestly believe i could beat them, along with my bunker play, still gotta work on my chipping though.

I have read brians pivot article a bunch, practiced the drill with the club on the left shoulder and right hip and making it into a straight line, but i havent done that in a while so i guess i should practice that drill again and work on the right hip going back

Thanks and im interested to hear everyone elses opinions.
I think your shoulder turn is inadequate. In the FO view with the driver, your left shoulder does not come even close to turning over your right knee. Your swing is compact, but its like stretching a rubberband to 75% of its elasticity and letting it go.

Get that left shoulder over that right knee. And your hip turn on the backswing MAY have to increase to accomodate it.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Definately early release, causing loss of distance and chipping woes.
Do a search for accumulator lag or trigger delay and see if you find a nugget that clicks with you.
yeah i have been working on getting more lag, but i just cant figure out the feeling of the release, irons are struggling big time since i cant get "on top" of it and compress it for some reason, and just kind of flail at it to make it go straight, dont miss the greens by very much but no penetration through the wind and like i said before NO DISTANCE

Weirdest thing is while my 5 iron is normally my 195 club and im struglling to hit it 170 right now, im still hitting my driver well, 4 over 280 playing 9 holes today.

Anyone be able to set out a gameplan of sorts of drills and things i should work on during my break between tourneys to fix this problem?

While I'm no expert at all I've had a few lessons with Brian and you look just like me when I was having problems. Your pretty flat and quick coming down to the ball. Try to get a little more upright in your back swing and if you are like me I would either push it right or I would hit a duck hook to the left. I found out that I was under plane coming into the ball and a quick fix was just trying to get on plane more. My shots started straightening out after that. When I would come under the plane with a driver it would cause me to either hang back and duck hook or hold my hands off more and push it right as I said. But really one of the instructors on here should look at it but just my 2 cents worth.
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yeah i know i am underplane coming into the ball and i am just trying to find out how to get back on plane in the downswing, any comments from the instructors would be awesome
First, your address is nice, except for one thing. You are bent over a little much. Notice how your wrists are slightly cocked up at address. That left wrist needs to hang down in a straight line with your forearm. You will find that straightening up a little bit will allow you to better feel the center of gravity of the clubhead- which should be all the way at the bottom of the clubhead. That is the part that is going to strike the ball, after all. It will also help get your upper arms against the sides of your chest better.

Excessive grip pressure is implied with the slight cocking of the wrists at address. Loosen up and let your wrists relax by getting them to full extension at address. This is the only way you will obtain a consistent finish at the bottom of your swing- because, gravity is the only constant in every swing you make.

Your takeaway is not bad and you are in nice position mid-backswing. I don't think the right knee sways too bad, but, then again, you stop turning your shoulders- so it might if you made a full turn.

From the mid point in your backswing to the top, it is 95% arms. You are breaking the relationship of your hands and your sternum. You have let your hands race ahead of your upper torso. This is the moment when ambiguity and anxiety kicks in. When you start to know for a fact that it is not going to end as you envisioned. Every time your hands get ahead of your sternum, you are in for trouble.

Keep your hands extended all the way through your backswing. By lifting with your arms and not rotating with your shoulders, you bring the club inside too much, which shortens the arc of your swing, which diminishes your power.

The remedy is to turn slower. It is not a race to the top. It's a coiling, a notching- much like a roller coaster going uphill- of the body. Turn slow, keep your hands away from your body and turn, turn, turn that left shoulder. That's what lifts the hands- the left shoulder turn.

Finally, the downswing. It is too rushed. Stop your video when your hands are just above your waist; your hands still have the club cocked nearly vertical into the air at this point. Your sternum is nearly over the ball and your hands are a long way from home. You realize this during your swing, mostly because your now start to feel how inside your swing is. So what must you do? You must stop turning your left shoulder so that your hands can catch up to where they should be and so they can complete the arc you started them on.

In other words, you are unwinding your shoulders too quickly on your downswing. Transfer your weight, unwind your hips and hold on to the coil until after your hips have turned. You'll be hitting the 5 iron 200 again, but with much less effort.

You see, you are not truly coiled in your swing. Your arms robbed you of that the second you lifted them to the top. Now, instead of a rolling wave of uncoiling power, you have a swing full of arms lashing at the ball. That will take you down the road to inconsistency every time.

I hope this helps. Keep it up. I wish I was as good at 16 as you are.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Hey, been reading htis forum for a while, Great site never really posted thought i would leave it to the guys who know what they are doing, but having some serious swing troubles and wondering if anyone here could help point me in the right direction.
A little background, just turned 16, 4.9 index, played since 7, competitively since last year. Hit about 6 greens a round and about 6 fairways, miss is thin and is either right or left, never know, and lately ive lost some distance for no apparent reason, even when it is solid with a divot it goes straight up in the air.
I know that i am "slinging" it down the line and losing some compression, the problem is that while i know that, i have no idea how to fix it, been to 2 different pros one told me to aim further write and flip the wrists, the other told me to swing more to the right with a bowed wrist, not going back to either, need to figure out what to work on as i have about a month before my next tourney
Thank you and Fire Away!

Try keeping your hands at their backswing height while you fall on your left leg. This could help you load the shaft more and stay on top of the plane.
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