My swing(s), which is better? Shanks, heel hits

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For the first time ever posting a video of my swing on the internet :O The video shows a longer swing, a shorter swing, and some impact footage, all with a 6 or 7 iron:

What do you think about my swing? Is the shorter or the longer one better? My problems for the moment are, shanks, hits towards the heel that gives slices and some curves in both ways. I haven't played much at all for almost half a year because of the swedish winter, so I'm a bit rusty.

I have Soft Draw, Never Slice Again, Never Hook Again and Confessions of a Former Flipper, so any "directions" for what video/parts of these videos to use would also be very welcome :)

Also, am I correct in that I have a "Garcia/Hogan/McIlroy swing"?

So... any feedback from the best golf forum in the world? :)


I am not a lot of help on your swing there are many here more knowledgeable than me. I would guess about a 12 handicap. How did I do?

You video editing is a plus two.
I hate to say this after you put in quite an effort with your video editing Olof but do you have a face on view?


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
You have some components of that model swing but may be missing the most important one....max trigger delay (needs to be narrow)
I believe that is an inside-out shank caused by an early release which might be caused by posture loss in the backswing. you're right in thinking shorter; tighten it up a bit. Delaying the hit a bit would keep the path more in too. Face-on view might help us see how early you are, if my eye is right. great editing.
Thanks for the feedback :) You're right about the need for more trigger delay! In some older face-on video from last month it was very clear that that was a problem. I will try to get a new face-on view soon, but I don't know when that'll be since I've hurt my right wrist :(

Should I try working with Confessions of a Former Flipper? And more feedback is of course very welcome :)

Also on another forum, that's nowhere near as knowledgable as this one, the only thing I'm told is that I raise my head, any feedback on that? And on that forum I've gotten some more guesses about my handicap, would be very interesting to get some more of those here, because I'm comparing the forums a bit to see if this forums knowledge gives a higher or lower guess :)
I don't think more trigger delay is really necessary, unless you are trying to copy the Garcia/Hogan/McIlroy model.

Some real good players straighten up into the backswing like Kenny Perry and even the BMan himself. To help fix that you need to feel like you are just turning around your spine as if there were a pole stuck through you and down into the ground preventing you from straightening up. And feel the left shoulder go down into the backswing.

What I suggest just from your description of your misses is that you work on getting the path down to fit the ballflight that you want. From your swing, I would suggest getting the hands down closer to your body and around your left hip more through impact and into the follow through if you want more of a straight to fade ball flight. That would also take care of the shanks/heeled shots.

Not to be a jerk or anything, but I don't really care what your handicap is.:) The real point of being here is that whatever your handicap is now, it could and should go lower as you learn more about the golf swing.
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New member
It's hard to see clearly because the black gloves, black jacket combination makes it difficult to see your hand path but it looks like you're hand path is pretty vertical. Your shoulder rotation and eventual sweetspot path are on the steeper side. I'll second the request for a face on.
I'll get you a face-on when my wrist stops hurting :)

Maybe I don't need maximum trigger delay, but I do need more of it. I've kinda lost my trigger delay during the winter I think :(
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