My swing.. take a look?

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Often hit the ball fat. These swings are from last fall. The flip that you see is mostly gone, but I'm still having a tough time with clean "compression" style contact. Fats, shanks, and hooks are my bad shots.

Would love to hear what y'all think. I'm going to try to get some updated rips this weekend.
Would like to see the updated swing.

To help with the fat shots, I suggest working a little more on throwing the drunk off your your back to get the left shoulder moving up and back through impact more. Also, work on getting the hands to a spot about 6-8" out in front of your left foot as the club is nearing the ball.


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You definitely know how to make contact, maybe even solid contact sometimes but you know you have a few problems. Here's a list of some problems for the backswing: not getting off your left side, over rotation of left arm flying wedge, and twist toward. On the downswing you don't have enough axis tilt. There's also some adjustments that can be made with your setup and grip. That video will do wonders for you in dealing with these problems and getting you on your way to swinging better. Best of luck!
Agreed. Get NSA...

I'd get your left wrist on top of the grip. Presently it is left of grip centerline and a little BManz twistaway would be beautiful.

Good motion.
Half way down - the face is wide open - cool. Now if you learned to close it hard with the "body" and not the hands and arms - then you'd get rid of the flip, wouldn't have a psychological need for the "fake" right leg "drive".

Learn to close the face coming down - via a different method than you are using now. After you have mastered that - then the next step is to realize the shot pattern for that swing should be a draw.

Of course, other options are available - that's just one way to attack it.
Can you explain this please? How can you close the face with the body? thx

The answer to that brings up a dichotomy of sorts - so I'll have to elaborate a little to give you the clarification to my statement. In either case, the player usually has a sense of where the clubface is - and in this case he knows he needs to get it square from the wide open position half way down - the body stops and the hands flip - solution - not the best. This is one way to close the face - stop the body motion - usually subconsciously. Of course, that's not the type of body motion I was referring to.

Secondly, there are plenty of strong grippers like Duval, etc. that rotate the body through more to "hold off" the face from closing - taking advantage of the fact that the more the upper left arm stays across the chest coming down the less it externally rotates (closes the face). In this case more body motion means keeping the face from closing. While that body motion has more rotation - it's not what I had in mind with the left arm movement in relation to the body - since it holds off the closing of the clubface.

Finally, here is what I was referring to: Let's assume that his current swing hits the ball at the "target" - most of the time. In order to get the face closed from the wide open halfway down location - you have a body stall and a flip - both help close the face (body stall allows the left arm to move back down and across the chest (away from the midline - i.e. abduct) which closes the face via externally rotating the upper left arm. Now, if you ONLY work on getting rid of the flip then you've removed one of the "closing" items and shots will go to the right - you need to add something that will move it left - as I mentioned in the previous posts - lots of options to do that - maybe stronger grip at address, more closed clubface at address, and on and on and on. One of those options is to allow the face to close more by allowing the body to turn on the downswing more, rotate through better - if you do that with A) the idea that you want to close the face with the body rotation and/or B) you don't do it in such a manner that creates the left arm sliding back and up across the chest - internally rotating the upper arm and therefore "opening" the clubface - you'll close the clubface more if you keep the left arm relatively the same in relation to the body.

Putting it another way- if you keep the left arm in the same relative feel to the body at the top and moving down - then more body rotation closes the clubface more. It's just a simple thought - as if you were chipping and wanted to hit the ball more left - one way - have more pivot rotation with the arms and hands relatively fixed in relation to the body - in that case less rotation before impact hits it more right or creates a situation that delivers the clubface in a more open clubface position at impact, more rotation before impact delivers the clubface looking more left at impact.

Hope that helps explain the perspective.
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New member
The answer to that brings up a dichotomy of sorts - so I'll have to elaborate a little to give you the clarification to my statement. In either case, the player usually has a sense of where the clubface is - and in this case he knows he needs to get it square from the wide open position half way down - the body stops and the hands flip - solution - not the best. This is one way to close the face - stop the body motion - usually subconsciously. Of course, that's not the type of body motion I was referring to.

Secondly, there are plenty of strong grippers like Duval, etc. that rotate the body through more to "hold off" the face from closing - taking advantage of the fact that the more the upper left arm stays across the chest coming down the less it externally rotates (closes the face). In this case more body motion means keeping the face from closing. While that body motion has more rotation - it's not what I had in mind with the left arm movement in relation to the body - since it holds off the closing of the clubface.

Finally, here is what I was referring to: Let's assume that his current swing hits the ball at the "target" - most of the time. In order to get the face closed from the wide open halfway down location - you have a body stall and a flip - both help close the face (body stall allows the left arm to move back down and across the chest (away from the midline - i.e. abduct) which closes the face via externally rotating the upper left arm. Now, if you ONLY work on getting rid of the flip then you've removed one of the "closing" items and shots will go to the right - you need to add something that will move it left - as I mentioned in the previous posts - lots of options to do that - maybe stronger grip at address, more closed clubface at address, and on and on and on. One of those options is to allow the face to close more by allowing the body to turn on the downswing more, rotate through better - if you do that with A) the idea that you want to close the face with the body rotation and/or B) you don't do it in such a manner that creates the left arm sliding back and up across the chest - internally rotating the upper arm and therefore "opening" the clubface - you'll close the clubface more if you keep the left arm relatively the same in relation to the body.

Putting it another way- if you keep the left arm in the same relative feel to the body at the top and moving down - then more body rotation closes the clubface more. It's just a simple thought - as if you were chipping and wanted to hit the ball more left - one way - have more pivot rotation with the arms and hands relatively fixed in relation to the body - in that case less rotation before impact hits it more right or creates a situation that delivers the clubface in a more open clubface position at impact, more rotation before impact delivers the clubface looking more left at impact.

Hope that helps explain the perspective.

Would that need a certain type of arm to shoulder relationship in the b.s. more like steep shoulders and arms more across than a flatter shoulder turn and steeper arms or does that matter? How about setup? more spine inclination at address or less inclination of the spine? I'm trying to visualize how this more pivot rotation affects the arms/hands unit to square up the face.

Thanks in advance.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Im finding it difficult to understand how pure body rotation in and of itself could help square the face. Rotation pulls the toe in line with the shaft (reverse tumbles the sweetspot). maybe backing the left hip up and high right shouldering it might help.

Could you clarify your post a little more.
Sorry if I can't help much more than I have - it's not really an area that I've desired to analyze much - more of a knee jerk comment than anything. Although backswing type and spine bend - could certainly have issues in a detailed analysis - I haven't looked at it in that way and therefore don't think that any of it matters in regard to my comment.

The flip closes the clubface - if you just get rid of that - then shots go right (assuming before shots generally went at the target) - therefore you need to find out where in the swing, grip, set-up is the OPEN item you need to close, the weak grip you need to strengthen, the closed stance you need to open, the lack of body rotation, etc. etc. etc. whatever it is or you feel it is - that needs to be changed - as these things usually come in offsetting pairs - open and closed.

The body rotation on the downswing closing the clubface and allowing you to hit it more left - is just that the clubface is related to the body to some degree. Think of it like this - set up as normal for your straight shot - now if you rotate everything to the right, the clubface also moves to the right (naturally) if you keep the same relationship of the arms, hands and club to the body. Likewise if you adjust your stance to the left then it allows everything to be aimed more left. I'm just saying that, that can happen when you are in motion also - if you body turns more or less during the downswing it will influence the clubface to some degree.

Maybe not the best swing solution for him - the flip has to go (and you need to determine how to do that)- that takes away an item in the swing that wants to hit the ball left - now the question is "What is the best solution for taking the item in the swing that offsets the flip and wants to hit the ball right.
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New member
I just can't seem understand how you would keep the same relationship of the hands arms and club to the body and that would square the face. Maybe i just can't put the various components together to visualize it.
This has got to be a grip/twist lesson all day long

What in particular would you suggest? Nothing about my grip ever feels comfortable.

Thanks all for taking a look. I appreciate it. I've been working on my pivot a ton and it feels good. Using the pivot to move the club/power package/upper body in an effective fashion. I'm no longer trying to imitate an expert (that Hebron post was interesting) or hit positions. No recent swings taped (4 mo old at home!) but will work on it.
Well the good news is that your sequencing in the downswing is good. I would work on your shoulder turn some. You do what i like to call "faking the shoulder turn". Your left shoulder is moving but your right should never gets deep enough in the swing. I personally believe this leads people to get their hands in a position to where its pretty tough to do anything but come in steep. Plus, when your right shoulder doesnt move enough, you get into this squeezed position w your chest and arms, losing any width you might have created.

You have great motion, you just have to get the backswing in a better position so your club is in an optimal position on the downswing. If I were you i would just work on making the full shoulder turn. Practice making swings that you focus more on getting your right shoulder deep instead of just turning your left shoulder if that makes sense. Also, try to maintain so width at the top by keeping the club a little further away from you. If i didnt explain this very well, i can make a youtube video for you.

keep up the good work

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