My Swing

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Very good swing. What are the misses? Ever been on TRACKMAN? It would be interesting to see your spin rate numbers with the woods. Sweet move.


Thanks. My misses are off the earth block cuts. I am not very long. Currently i am hitting it on the range as best as I have possibly ever (have not had much time to play in MA). Really trying to go left w/ the club. When I look at DT, he really goes left and goes wedding ring down hard. It is funny how my swing somewhat looks like his.
To me it looks like you get a tad steep on the DS..thats all I see. Swing center gets a little too far in front. I think if you solved that you'd kill it, then maybe you wouldn't have to feel like you have to go so far left. I bet Brian could fix you in about 5 minutes.
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looks like the frame before impact the club is outside of the hands.

notice, you right elbow is in your rib cage, david's right elbow is in his right pants pocket.

so lets try getting and staying behind the ball a little more and that block turns into a nice draw and 20 more yards.....

BM/JIM/the gang correct me if I am wrong

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
You unwind too soon and keep your hands way to high above the plane. Your block cuts come from you backing the club up to find the inside of the ball and wiping it. IMO, you need to stay in your turn and get your hands much lower before you unwind and go out to the ball. Think turn, drop, pivot drag, and swivel (or roll). Check out that iron swing of Woods next to yours and you"ll see how low the hands get before he unwinds.


You unwind too soon and keep your hands way to high above the plane. Your block cuts come from you backing the club up to find the inside of the ball and wiping it. IMO, you need to stay in your turn and get your hands much lower before you unwind and go out to the ball. Think turn, drop, pivot drag, and swivel (or roll). Check out that iron swing of Woods next to yours and you"ll see how low the hands get before he unwinds.

Thanks Kevin. That is exactly what I am working on. I definitely wipe the ball, not getting much compression.

Kevin, any drills to work on for this problem? One I have been trying is to try is aim at a right side pin on the range and try and hit a hook to a left pin.
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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I like to try to get people to feel as if they are staying in their turn and downshifting and the club comes forward by releasing the tailbone and right knee past their chin.

Drop the club head behind you and try to drag it thru impact on the ground with your pivot keeping your head back and down.


I was wondering about my backswing pivot. It just does not look right. Looks to up. Does not look powerful either. Any comments?
Looks real nice....I agree with Kevin, the lower body needs to be what drops the club down it looks like you might start a bit with the upper body which won't let you get the club down enough. You are really close to hitting some great shots, just get that sequence right and you will be hitting some powerful shots. I like to think as if my arms take the club up and then the pivot brings them down to waist height and then pour the arms on.
Heres a Hogan clip that I think should help with that move
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