my youtube swing: how to get it like mike finney?

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I'm not sure if you want or need to look like Mike Finney exactly.

But your pivot is way too closed on the downswing. You cannot snap your pivot effectively with such a closed position.
thanks for the tip. i've always thought or been told i need to keep turning. guess i need more turn and earlier too. i'll work on it
Figuring it out

thanks for the tip. i've always thought or been told i need to keep turning. guess i need more turn and earlier too. i'll work on it

Couple of quick thoughts:
1) Probably could be a real effective move that you have.
2) If you felt that your results were not that good and wanted to make a change- then just focusing on more turn through the ball - is really just one half of the equation.
3) You get in a "over the top" location, action, etc. at the top of your movement- for which you need to compensate for. The move down and the resulting "no turn" are just compensations made as a result of your backswing or other "improper" movements in the swing. So if you decide you want more turn through the ball - you first need to figure out - what is the other improper movement(s) that you need to change so that you can "turn more through the shot" without hitting it off the planet left.
4) Sometimes the concept "headstill" and your interpretation of it- prevents you from transferring weight to the lead foot on the forward swing- that "staying back" can create shots more to the left- and then you offset that by stopping the turn of the lower body- so that the club still goes more to the right. If you notice that in those swings- you don't fully complete your finish- that's just a reflection of what the problems were before the finish.

The more you can figure it out on your own- or "dig it out of the dirt" - the better chance you'll have of really making some improvement in your game. Not to say that a good teacher like Brian can't help you along the way or help you understand what you are doing and why- but in the end you need to take ownership of your swing- whether you continue to get professional help or not.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Your clubface has rotated too much open going back. Your lower body straightens to allow for the right arm to grow long squaring the face. IMO, you won't max out your pivot until the face squares earlier.
doubled: actually all my iron shots are draws. clubface is squaring. last year i had michael finney look at my swing. i was taking the club WAY inside on the backswing and had too much swing to the right. i hit solid, but know it can be better. thanks
Hope this helps

Pieman, just my two snap the crap out of your kinetic chain! Other said, and you mentioned more pivot, I think you need to rotate your shoulders more with your swing. I believe this will lag your arms and hands a little and get rid of the left shots. I think of a spot between my shoulders and rotating around that spot with both shoulders. I could go into a little more detail, but since Brian and others who are good at this might completely disagree, I will just leave it at this.

Jim S.

Camera angle, closed stance, maybe hitting a draw, frame appears to not yet be at impact.


I presume you are saying "But Snead is more closed here."


well he was hitting a 'Sam Snead pull' lol

the shoulders will be open in relation to target line which is all that matters

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
doubled: actually all my iron shots are draws. clubface is squaring. last year i had michael finney look at my swing. i was taking the club WAY inside on the backswing and had too much swing to the right. i hit solid, but know it can be better. thanks

Pieman, no doubt your shots are draws. But you do all the closing of your face at the very bottom. As Brian says " I won't let the club stay the same amount open for any length of time during the swing." When the club is below your hips in the downswing, your left elbow still points out, your right palm is under the club, and there is alot of space between your arms. This will require an early stoppage of your pivot so you can square it up at the bottom. Best of luck to ya
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