"Does anyone have a clue if this is serious or if i should take a few days off? Any way to prevent this?"
Don't be a dumb ass male. Stop hitting balls. Rest. See if it gets better. Maybe go to a doctor.
How am I qualified to make this recommendation? Two examples.
At around age 35, we were touring downtown Charleston, SC and I slipped and fell hard on the
courthouse steps. Cut my elbow, bruised my hip, and really landed hard on the back of my right rib cage.
We were staying at Kiawah Island. Somehow I managed to play the next day although my elbow bled a little
with each swing. But that attitude is just a precursor to my next example of the male invincibility syndrome.
The couple of weeks later we had a two man best ball event at our club. I woke up, sat on the edge of the bed
and felt something not right in my chest area. I went to the course, hit balls with some discomfort, and then
went out to play. It hurt more after every shot, but I kept playing. At the sixth hole I couldn't go on. I was
taken to the emergency room, where, after 1 hour in the waiting room, my friend Dr. Williams wandered by and
noticed me sitting there. He immediately took over and in short order diagnosed a collapsed right lung!
After a chest tube and hospitable stay, I recovered. The point? Had I not gone to play golf that morning, I would
have been back to normal. What I did by playing with a collapsed lung was not good for surface of the lung. Did not feel normal for years.
Shorter example, age 51 or so. Addicted to golf. Plant I managed was 4 minutes from the club. I played 3 days a week counting the weekend. On this occasion, I don't remember why, I had played 4 days in a row. Showed up
Sunday morning early, tired. First tee shot, felt a pain on left side of my back. Hadn't gotten any smarter. Continued to play. It hurt worse. On the third hole I soled a wedge and couldn't get back to standing straight up.
Total pain.
Same story. Doctor said that if I had stopped on the first pain it would have healed. I really did more damage by playing. I think it was 8 months before I could even think about playing.
I think if had been a pain in my neck, I just might have taken it more seriously.
Good luck,