Need a little swing help! Video attached

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Disclaimer: I'm not a pro.

I would start with the pivot. Search on here for info.

Backswing-your right hip looks like it goes forward and down. I think they call that reverse hips around here. Also, I think you rotate the left forearm flying wedge a lot going back but you have a little recovery move before you get to the top. Brian's "soft draw pattern" covers this....on the way back try to keep the right elbow above the left longer. Especially at club first parallel and left arm parallel. Check out anything talking about the "back and forth drill".

If left is your problem, a popular pattern is a mix of soft draw going back with some elements of never hook again coming down. Also, understand the D-plane. I don't know how much you know about the D-plane but you can find a lot of stuff here about that.

Maybe that is too much info. Just one or two tweaks might help and all the rest is overload. I would pick one thing to study at a time. There is so much good info around here and some really smart people who could probably help more than me.:D

Solid looking swing mostly.
Thanks will look at that more that is why i posted i don't feel that I ever get to that left pivot on the way through which could be a problem if i'm not pivoting back correctly.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Club is a little steep and above the shoulder and it shallows out and opens on the way down and the face has to do some serious rotating to compensate. Hard to time day to day.

Not to mention you set the club a tad open and are over stretched at the top, leaning left and are forced to tug the club from the top.
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Club is a little steep and above the shoulder and it shallows out and opens on the way down and the face has to do some serious rotating to compensate. Hard to time day to day.

Not to mention you set the club a tad open and are over stretched at the top, leaning left and are forced to tug the club from the top.

Thanks for that. will try to put some of that into owrk at the range.
Derek, there's a lot of good stuff going on there. Like Kevin said, you get a little narrow, crampy and steep on the way down. Couple of things to think about: with your right arm, one hop some golf balls down the target line with some pace on them. I'd like to see your right arm get straighter, sooner. You can sustain the wrist angles, yet allow your right elbow to straighten. Also, in the transition squat, feel like a big dog can run between your knees before you can clobber it with the club. Your right knee could "hang in there" a millisecond longer.

You have a darn fine swing. I'm sure you can bury it when the putts drop.

Nice range! Btw...

Is that the fault or is there something going back that causes too much right arm fold? I have problems with that as well.

Depends on if you have issues coming down. If you don't get it widened out coming down you will have a high approach and have to dump it under plane through the ball.
Swing width

That swing is narrow to narrower and trying to create width very late at the bottom. Face changes from fairly square at top to open (due to steep down), then tries to catch up with a flip. If you made the change to a little wider back with club closed longer, your transition would be more compatible and you wouldnt need a wide flip to catch up.
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