Need help - I swing better right hand only?

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I was at the range hitting balls with just my right hand and it was the first time I really felt lagging and correct pressure on pp3. However, I was not able to duplicate this when I added my left hand???? I lost the lag, no pressure on pp3, and I had my usual difficulty with balance.

I am wondering if part of this has to do the fact that my dominant eye is my right eye. At the top of my backswing (with both arms) I have difficulty seeing the ball unless I turn my head a little. When I make this move I actually move my head forward toward the target thus increasing the likelihood of a reverse pivot. I don't have this problem with the right arm only swing because my left shoulder is not turning back and obstructing my vision.

Any help would be appreciated!


Brian Manzella



You have figured out one of the great thing about right arm only swinging:

It is EASY!


Because you have a HEAVIER club, and it settles on the #3 PP and on the Right Forearm more easily.

But, you can't amke the transition to two arms...


You need—what I call—a HYBRID drill. A drill that moves the feel and alignments of A CERTAIN drill, closer to making a "regular" swing.

In the RIGHT ARM ONLY drill's case, this hybrid drill is a simple add-on.

Simply put (as in TOUCH) your LEFT FOREFINGER on your RIGHT PINKY FINGER and make swings.

It is quite harder to do, becuase to keep the fingers touching, you have to move your left shoulder in a way that would allow it.

Try it, and report back and let us know how it worked for you. :)
Tanks Brian - I will try it.

Any advice at my having trouble seeing the ball at the top of my backswing. Since my right eye is dominant, I don't know if my posture is off, my nose is too big (very possible!), my shoulders to wide, or my neck is too short. Whatever it is, I can't see the ball out of my right eye at the top. So, in order to see it, I move my head forward (towards the target) and tilt my head to the right. This leads to a reverse pivot and my swing is all messed up. I hit better keeping my right eye closed during the swing, but I get a little dizzy.
I have an additional question in regards to this one. I retain my lag and really emply the CFF concepts with left hand only swinging, but when the right hand gets on the club, it seems to cause the problems. Do you have anything for me to get my right hand working properly? Thanks, Marcus
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