Need Help on Short Game

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I'm a hitter by definition, I'm a pretty fair ball striker, however, I'm having an extremely difficult time with pitching and chipping the ball from the 10-70 yard range. I either thin the ball or decelerate and fat. Stick me at a 100 yards and I'm fine because I can take a real strong lob wedge or at least a full swing with a sand wedge. What has worked with all of you on the less than a hundred yard distances??? I'm so use to going at the ball hard, going at it anything less if very difficult for me.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I use a COMPLETE RIGHT ARM MOTION. No left at all!

Right forearm pickup, flat left wrist/bent right wrist, hold those positions, right arm thrust through impact.

First i'd learn how to do it consistently and well and just vary club selection for distance.

Once you get really comfortable with this THEN you can vary both club selection and THRUST for different trajectories, spin, and yardage.

To learn how to do this i'd suggest:

first learn the whole shot by just chipping in some light rough so you don't thin any shots. Once you start getting comfortable move those chips to a nice fairway type lie and get the feeling of only right arm thrust through the ball. Lastly pick the club up and slam it back down and pitch it :)


The trick is to keep your right wrist bent and accelerate through the ball. Regulate the distance by the length of the swing and always swing at the same speed. Regulating distance by speed of swing just causes quitting on the shorter shots.
Burner, I think you hit the nail on the head for me. I don't know if subconciously I'm afraid of hittine the ball too far, but I have a tendency to quit on the swing, clubhead passes the hands, fat or thin is typically the result. It's absolutely killing me right now. I shot 87 Saturday and I bet I wasted 10-12 strokes around the green. Thanks to Brian, Yoda, and Danny Elkins, my ball striking is very good, but if you can't knock it down from inside a 100 yds you just can't score. Don't like Pelz, but he's dead on regarding how important the short game is...

Do most of you use different clubs inside a 100, or just change the swing length??


Just about always use the pitching wedge; but the shorter the distance to the green my shot becomes more of a chip and run than a risky short pitch or lob.
Practice pitching balls out of horrible lies. Divots, long grass, etc.

Decelerate there and see how far it gets you.
I don't like to play it very far back from centre unless I'm chipping (i.e. 8 iron with putting stroke-type swing).

It depends on the shot you want to high/low, how much spin (you'd likely play it back for a descending blow- more "pinching," more spin).

You do need to start with your weight more on the left side though. For a flop shot, from what I've found, you can have your weight still on your left foot but with more backwards shoulder tilt (for a higher trajectory).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by Tball88

What is everyone's thoughts on ball position for pitching and chipping?? Middle, back, front??

It honestly depends on lie, club, shot i want to play, spin i want on the ball, and whats in front of me, plus hinges too.

Too many variables.
I'm with Jim on the 100 yard shot. 52* Gap for all shots from 50-110. 50 and in I use my 56* I play these shots based on feel. Ball position is forward for a higher shot and back for a lower spinner.
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