Need help with this shot...

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Ok, ball striking is great, but I've got a shot that is absolutely killing me, and that's the 10-30 pitch. Yesterday, I'm 25 yds short of a par 5 in two need to pitch it over a bunker onto the green and flat sh#$% it over the green. Lately I either shank these, or I make sure the club stays shut and they come in too hot. I'm striking the ball much better than my scores indicate due to screwing these touch shots up. If I don't have to get the ball in the air, a bump and run always works well for me.

I need some ideas here, I actually see quite a bit of pros pitching and it looks like they maintain the wrist cock through the whole swing.
The 20-30 yard pitch shot is the shot I practice more than any in the past 6 months. I try to do the pure Ernest Jones swinging shot and let gravity do it's work, with no torque. I experiment on that shot with how I use the bounce, flatness and steepness, and pivot. Mostly I've learned from working on that shot how to deal with my over-acceleration problem, and it has helped with full swing shots.
Jim, can you go into a little more detail on exactly what the procedure is to hit a "midsole" pitch while maintaining wristcock.

I kind of need a 101 step by step pitching for dummies class right now.

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