I am hitting it fairly solid, but swing seem to be pulling the ball, and very much so on my solid strikes.
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Spuds, watch your video and focus on the sequencing of arms and shoulders. On the backswing your arms
keep going long after your shoulders stop turning. On the downswing the arms are out racing the shoulders (core ).
Because of this your downward plane is very steep. Look at frame 0:10 and picture the shaft midway between top of shoulder and elbow. Somewhere in there is much more like what you want. Your right heel is already off the ground. You want to try to let the unwinding lower body pull it up much later in the downswing. Raising that heel at this point contributes to your over the top move.
Looks to me like your stance is really narrow, which contributes to the steep downward path. Another observation is that on the backswing, the only way you are getting the club that far back is by bending your left arm. Try maintaining your extension. It will help to shorten your backswing and should help with the casting thing.
I can relate. Took a lesson with Michael Jacobs on Long Island a while back. You are steep going down. I was steeper. Narrow stance? I'm the king. I call it lazy golf. As flexibility decreases, a narrow stance provides a way to turn more. When I manage the wider stance, one of my buddies (scratch player) says, "Now you look like a real golfer."
Michael had me do four things. Wider stance, aim more right (I was left and didn't know it), make a deeper and shorter backswing, and a little more flying wedge rotation on the backswing . He did not want me at parallel for irons. More like 3/4. We worked on the feeling of the hands falling down and the club feeling flat as it falls without letting the face fall open. I am mostly able to remember these changes, but altering years and years of habit is tough. It's pretty funny for me to watch myself start off with a wider stance and during the waggle move the back foot forward at least once and sometimes twice.
Softconsult: Always had trouble with arm bending at top of swing, even when I played Div. I golf. Always had trouble wth consistency, whether the bent left arm is the cause I am not sure. I do have limited flexibility (2 lumbar fusions), but like I said my arm always bends at the top. I think if I stop the arms when the shoulders stop, my left arm wll not bend as much. Thanks for the help, I think I knew this was happening but is great to get feedback, so that it reaffirms what i need to work on.