Need some help

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First of all I`m 71 very athlectic 12 handicap. I beleive one can always better himself. I love the concept of TGM and have tried it . Bought a couple of Brians tapes . I`m haveing trouble swinging out,I swing down the line with bad results and I cant take a divot. I`m useing a right arm takeaway and it feels very powerfull. I`m using it for chipping and pitching with excellent results but not with the full swing. I would love a lesson but I`m from connecticut and it dont look like anyone is going to be here, Sooo can anyone help me???? . I also seen Tomessellos tapes which I thought were great, he made it look so easy. I need help quick....joe
Definatley not a hooker cant do it to save my a.. However I hit the ball straight or knock it down (irons). My driver is either very straight or a fade but not a real big fade. My irons are mostly my problem. I seem to smother the ball with the right arm cause I dont swing out. As far as my driver with the r. arm swing It stays lower than my normal flight and not as long but down the middle.

Brian Manzella


Try the following:

1. Move your right foot back away from the target line until it is an inch or two inside of your left foot (further away from the target line).

2, Turn your rear end to the right until your belt buckle faces RIGHT of the ball.

3. Move your rear end to the left until you have to lean your upper body to the right to keep your weight 50/50, make sure you are still doing #2.

4. Square-up your left foot until it is VERY slightly pointed INward toward the ball instead of outward like it probably is now.

5. GET YOUR RIGHT SHOULDER AND RIGHT HIP AS FAR AWY FROM THE BALL AS YOU CAN. You will probably have to stand a bit closer to reach the ball.

6. Look at, and HIT! the inside of the ball on the way down.

7. Report back and tell me where the ball went.

Brian Manzella

The rest of the story!

Ball position: just left of middle for irons and inside the left heel for the driver

Takeaway: have your hands PULL your right shoulder over your TURNING right hip.
Brian: Do you not subscribe to the physics of why there is a lead angle built into the club--for ball position (ala Hogan)--where there is a very slight difference to the left/right in ball position for each successively longer/shorter iron?
Brian, so far so good. Went to the range and hit of artifitial turf .felt like an contortionist trying the moves but I think I was over doing it. However I was getting great results ,ball was going straight with a slight draw and messing up at times. I got real excited and went right to the golf course to try it on the real thing. On the first tee I slowly twisted my body to the postion and had a driver in my hand. I hit the most greatest draw I ever hit in my fn life, and 30 yrds longer(had some help from the wind). I got so excited again and thought god this man gave me the holy grail. But this isnt the perfect world and I struggled the rest of the 8 holes. I think I was over doing it I felt my body was pointing to much right . But that was just today I will work on it the whole weekend. You gave me alot of hope I never had in 15 yrs with 15 different teachers ,books,videos,etc. And by the way guys he was the only one to answer my plea without even seeing me and helped with just what I said to him......joe

Brian Manzella

There once was an old man...

At my grandafther's second wedding (I was about 8), and old man saw something happen and he said:

"Son, one day you'll get old enough that ONLY THE NAMES WILL CHANGE (because you will have seen all the stories before)."

I have already seen your swing 10000's of times. ;)

No way you could do that if you'd been doing something else for the last 20 years.
Brian, you are truly amazing ! ,about a month ago I asked for some help to shallow out my driver swing. With the tips, advice and drills you gave me, I started to hit it a lot better almost instantly. Every time I turn on the golf channel and see the likes of Reinmuth, Mclean, etc., I just shake my head and wonder when it will be the "Stallions" turn. Thanks again for all your time and efforts and for this great forum.
Try the following:

1. Move your right foot back away from the target line until it is an inch or two inside of your left foot (further away from the target line).

2, Turn your rear end to the right until your belt buckle faces RIGHT of the ball.

3. Move your rear end to the left until you have to lean your upper body to the right to keep your weight 50/50, make sure you are still doing #2.

4. Square-up your left foot until it is VERY slightly pointed INward toward the ball instead of outward like it probably is now.

5. GET YOUR RIGHT SHOULDER AND RIGHT HIP AS FAR AWY FROM THE BALL AS YOU CAN. You will probably have to stand a bit closer to reach the ball.

6. Look at, and HIT! the inside of the ball on the way down.

7. Report back and tell me where the ball went.......................................................................................

OK I`ve been working on this for a while with not to good results. I think I mite be overdoing it. I just cant swing out to first base or 1 oclock good. The few times it did work I crushed the ball and went further than norma. My problem is that I feel out of sync, most of my shots go way left very high off the fairway.. My normal shot is a fade. What is the sequence back and through???. I think I`m swinging behind the ball...Brian anyone??...joe
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