First, how much does 1-5 degree's open or closed result in yardage from the target? Someone with a trackman might be able to tell us without the equations for it.
Like some other said : It depends
a)if you talk about swingpath and face angle being the same or clubpath being 0 and face angle being open or closed.
b) being on the sweetspot
c) the club you are hitting
Below statements are from the TM manual :
If center impact on driver clubpath 5.7 inside out with face 1D closed will create a 45y left @ 250 carry
If 1/2 inch from the sweetspoot in direction of the toe, face angel 0D and clubpath 0D you will see 35y left @ 250
at 0.14 inch (like a dimple) from the sweetspot, face 0d, path 0D, 10y@250
But with an iron 6
If 1/2 inch from the sweetspoot in direction of the toe, face angel 0D and clubpath 0D you will see 8y@160
at 0.14 inch (like a dimple) from the toe, face 0d, path 0D, 2.2y@160
Second, how much does lie angle affect the angle left or right? I know for shorter clubs with more loft the effect is greater, but what are the ratios?
According to Maltby : If having the toe up 4Degree at impact with an Iron 9 (48 Degree), you will get a 3Degree tilted left face. An a driver 11 Degree with the same 4 degree up you will get a 1degree tilted left face.
Therefor lie is more important on irons then low lofted drivers.