Neutral grip vs strong grip how to hit it with your pivot differently?

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WHen I have a neutral grip, I generally don't have problem with hitting the ball. The distance is much shorter vs slightly strong grip. However, when I change my grip to slightly strong grip, I either draw the ball too much, or I hit it fat. I have to somehow open the clubface on the downswing to hit it straight. What changes do I have to do on my pivot when I change the grip to slightly strong?

1. I have tried to do the toss, underhanded javelin throw - result high draw, starting right then curve to the left alot.
2. I have tried to swing more left, I hit it fat.

Do i just have to open my body more and faster?

Strong Grip = much more 'hanging on' and more blast the left arm off the chest.

Weak Grip = much more karate chop

IMO, your grip should affect your release:

Strong grip = earlier cupping of the left wrist after impact, and earlier folding of the left elbow after impact.

Weak grip = more rolling of the forearms after impact, and a straighter left arm after impact.
IMO, your grip should affect your release:

Strong grip = earlier cupping of the left wrist after impact, and earlier folding of the left elbow after impact.

Weak grip = more rolling of the forearms after impact, and a straighter left arm after impact.

Actually I think I'm swinging too much to the right. I reviewed NHA video, with the towel drill. It works pretty good.
It works great to blast the left arm off the chest...but i feel like I never release the club?

That makes me think of Zach Johnson, and of something Brian said about a strong grip (strong single action, specifically). If you release the club with more of a roll, you bring the sniper into play.

I've also been tinkering with my grip lately. I'm really liking the SSA-type grip for chips, pitches, and wedge/short iron shots. I get more tossy and hit a straightish shot that typically falls a hair to the right.

With the longer clubs, I've found that a weaker left hand grip allows me to roll while still being able to hit the straightish fade. I really have to turn it over to hit a draw. It's almost impossible for me to hit an unmanageable hook with the weaker left hand.

I know there has been talk in the past about weakening the grip as the club gets longer. There's definitely something to this. I've been thinking about staggered grip sizes (bigger-smaller/driver-wedge), or progressively stronger grips down from the driver by way of ribs.

That might be getting too complicated, but it's interesting to think about.
pivot axis tilt and hit the box

It sounds like you may have a transportation problem. I just watched NSA2.0
and Brian has some great information in it about the pivot (turning around your spine) and also hitting the box. I bet your answer can be found in NSA 2.0.
It works great to blast the left arm off the chest...but i feel like I never release the club?

Do you hit it well blasting the left arm off the chest? If so, then who cares if you don't feel like you release the club.

If not, then I'd take a different route.

It sounds like you may have a transportation problem. I just watched NSA2.0
and Brian has some great information in it about the pivot (turning around your spine) and also hitting the box. I bet your answer can be found in NSA 2.0.

Hitting the box....more lean more to the right...

I think i just need to pivot more left.

Glad you figured it out jen. Try to post some video if you can and please have some awsome scenery in the background.

I hope my breakthrough comes soon as well.
I was good for a day or two and then the towel drill stop working.
The only thing besides the towel drill was fixing my wobbly knee.


Oh yeh; says who?

I was good for a day or two and then the towel drill stop working.
The only thing besides the towel drill was fixing my wobbly knee.

Drills don't stop working. :(

Its Golfers who stop working on the Drills. :rolleyes:

"Shape up or ship out!", as the saying goes. :mad:

In the nicest possible way, of course ;) :D
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