Brian Manzella
The Brian Manzella Golf Academy and are proud to announce the release of our long awaited instructional video:
NEVER SLICE AGAIN! 2.0 (web version)
Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.D, identifies the cause of the slice, then presents a step-by-step program to eliminate the curve ball from your game forever.
"This video is the result of 25 years of research and development. Tested and proven in the real world of live lessons on my lesson tee, as well as those of my best friends and instructors, as well as countless other pros around the world that follow my teaching, including those who have bought the beta version of this program and implemented the material themselves.
The beta version got wonderful reviews, but this new version is so much better in every way, and is easily my best work to date." --Brian Manzella
The Web Version is available now, and the DVD should be shipping before Christmas.
If you are a Never Slice Again 0.5 "Beta Tester," you will be receiving your information to access the Web version in the next couple of days. When the DVD is shipped, yours will be in the mail in the first batch. To help us out with this large "Beta Tester" program, please email us at:
if your email address or shipping has changed.
For the new purchasers of this video who may have not previously purchased a Retail Manzella Instructional Video, the Web version works like this:
You purchase the video. Within the day you will receive an email with a link and password for you to access the video. The video is available in REAL, QUICKTIME, and WINDOW MEDIA formats, in different speed downloads and real-time streaming. A large file version at 640 x 480 pixels is also available for download, as well as downloads of all the other sizes and formats.
The large format download is in Quicktime, with chapter access, much like the DVD will have.
The cost of the Web Version is $19.95
To purchase, just click on this LINK to the page with "Pay Now" button, and click on "Pay Now."
When the DVD is available, it will sell for $29.95 plus shipping, and an "upgrade to DVD" option will be made available.
Let us know what you think of it, and enjoy!
NEVER SLICE AGAIN! 2.0 (web version)
Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.D, identifies the cause of the slice, then presents a step-by-step program to eliminate the curve ball from your game forever.
"This video is the result of 25 years of research and development. Tested and proven in the real world of live lessons on my lesson tee, as well as those of my best friends and instructors, as well as countless other pros around the world that follow my teaching, including those who have bought the beta version of this program and implemented the material themselves.
The beta version got wonderful reviews, but this new version is so much better in every way, and is easily my best work to date." --Brian Manzella
The Web Version is available now, and the DVD should be shipping before Christmas.
If you are a Never Slice Again 0.5 "Beta Tester," you will be receiving your information to access the Web version in the next couple of days. When the DVD is shipped, yours will be in the mail in the first batch. To help us out with this large "Beta Tester" program, please email us at:
if your email address or shipping has changed.
For the new purchasers of this video who may have not previously purchased a Retail Manzella Instructional Video, the Web version works like this:
You purchase the video. Within the day you will receive an email with a link and password for you to access the video. The video is available in REAL, QUICKTIME, and WINDOW MEDIA formats, in different speed downloads and real-time streaming. A large file version at 640 x 480 pixels is also available for download, as well as downloads of all the other sizes and formats.
The large format download is in Quicktime, with chapter access, much like the DVD will have.
The cost of the Web Version is $19.95
To purchase, just click on this LINK to the page with "Pay Now" button, and click on "Pay Now."
When the DVD is available, it will sell for $29.95 plus shipping, and an "upgrade to DVD" option will be made available.
Let us know what you think of it, and enjoy!
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