Never Slice Again! 2.0 (web version) Now Available!

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Brian Manzella

The Brian Manzella Golf Academy and are proud to announce the release of our long awaited instructional video:

NEVER SLICE AGAIN! 2.0 (web version)

Brian Manzella, PGA, G.S.E.D, identifies the cause of the slice, then presents a step-by-step program to eliminate the curve ball from your game forever.

"This video is the result of 25 years of research and development. Tested and proven in the real world of live lessons on my lesson tee, as well as those of my best friends and instructors, as well as countless other pros around the world that follow my teaching, including those who have bought the beta version of this program and implemented the material themselves.

The beta version got wonderful reviews, but this new version is so much better in every way, and is easily my best work to date." --Brian Manzella

The Web Version is available now, and the DVD should be shipping before Christmas.

If you are a Never Slice Again 0.5 "Beta Tester," you will be receiving your information to access the Web version in the next couple of days. When the DVD is shipped, yours will be in the mail in the first batch. To help us out with this large "Beta Tester" program, please email us at:

if your email address or shipping has changed.

For the new purchasers of this video who may have not previously purchased a Retail Manzella Instructional Video, the Web version works like this:

You purchase the video. Within the day you will receive an email with a link and password for you to access the video. The video is available in REAL, QUICKTIME, and WINDOW MEDIA formats, in different speed downloads and real-time streaming. A large file version at 640 x 480 pixels is also available for download, as well as downloads of all the other sizes and formats.

The large format download is in Quicktime, with chapter access, much like the DVD will have.

The cost of the Web Version is $19.95

To purchase, just click on this LINK to the page with "Pay Now" button, and click on "Pay Now."

When the DVD is available, it will sell for $29.95 plus shipping, and an "upgrade to DVD" option will be made available.

Let us know what you think of it, and enjoy!
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Just finished watching it

Wow, Brian - this one was really good.

I don't have time to write a full review of it right now, but I think it's safe to say that this one is your best video yet; even a little better than CoFF, which I rewatch religiously.

Great work, and THANKS!

Really a great video (as we are used to) from Brian:
difference between dragging the hosel and the sweetspot,
credit card drill, hitting the box, twistaway, wedding ring.....
Also for people (like me) with hook tendencies;
thanks Brian (also for posting the link so quickly after paying)!
Fantastic video Brian! If this video would have been out a few years ago I would have saved myself A LOT of time. I think that so many golfers are trying to fix their takeaway, backswing, etc, but have such a screwed up clubface that they don't have a chance regardless of their swings. I know it took myself years to learn to strike the ball solidly (although still need to get much better, still a 5-7 handicap), and this video would have helped me improve 10x faster. Anyone out there that wants to impove should do themselves a favor and buy the video. Even if you aren't a slicer I think the infomation is very helpful and Brian did a great job delivering the info.
best yet

hi brian,
your best work yet! i really enjoyed the video. one suggestion would be to have the picture in picture sequences on the screen longer so that we might make a better comparison, although i thought it was great. another would be to have your swings at the end in slow motion as well as full speed.
i can't wait to receive my dvd and athe future ones as well. have a great christmas!
I just downloaded Never Slice Again ! 2.0 and I think it's terrific. I never thought of myself as a slicer ( I guess I make grip, stance swing adjustments), but I watched the video twice and went out to hit some balls. I was definitely hitting crisper shots with Twist Away and riight wrist bending, not cocking. I fell into a trap a few times - anxious to get into the swing I leaned to my left and had a reverse pivot. Is there a specific sequence of these events in the backswing: shoulder turn - right wrist bends back - left hand and arm twist away?
Also, I have a hard time thinking about anything on the downswing.
I hope that you aggressively market the DVD - you deserve a big financial winner.
Another satisfied non-Slicer

Yes folks, this video is great for ANYONE, not just slicers. I think it is Brian's best work to date, but I'll have to go back and watch Flipper again to verify!
Great video Brian, the best yet by far. So much information given in a concise, 'straight to the point' manner.

The only slight negatives are the wind noise across the microphone, which in one section of the video is very noticeable and the number of people wandering around behind you, which can be a little distracting. That being said, the quality of the information given is pure gold and far outweighs any minor technical issues.

A truly great piece of golf instruction and for the slicer, a beacon of truth shining through a sea of fog.
WOW, one of the best pieces of golf instruction i have ever seen, from anyone. I take my hat off to ya Brian, the video is amazing.

Even if you don't slice, you need to see this :)
The only slight negatives are the wind noise across the microphone, which in one section of the video is very noticeable and the number of people wandering around behind you, which can be a little distracting.
I like te people in the background, esp. the chip-in :)

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I think the people give it a "real world" feel. I like it personally.

It has attitude like...........

"This video is filmed on the driving range of a golf course, not some fancy studio with big name tour players getting paid to hype it up. You want to improve? Then step right up 'cause this is the video that can get you there"

Personally, I like that approach.

Lisa Manzella

Manzella Golf Academy Administra
BETA participants

All NEVER SLICE AGAIN BETA participants should have received an email with instructions to view NEVER SLICE AGAIN via the web. If you have not received the email, please send me a private message with your name, address and current email address and I'll make sure you receive the info shortly. Some of you may have changed your email addresses.
Lisa Manzella
Great video Brian.

I think this single video has helped me the most since it explains many concepts in clear, easy to understand language. I finally understand the ring comments. I am not sure I ever quite understood what you meant when you discussed it. Now I understand. I can't wait to try this at the range and report back.

I am glad to be a beta tester. This is the gift that keeps on giving. I will tell you this, I use Brian's videos more than ALL of the others I have collected over the years. Rarely do I ever look at one more than once, except Brian's.

I think that says it all. Job well done. If you don't have this video yet. Get it. If you slice. This will fix it.

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