Never Slice Again (article) October, 2006 Edit

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Brian Manzella

Never Slice Again
By Brian Manzella

Are you a slicer? Most golfers are. After 25 years on the lesson tee, it is my estimation that over 80% of golfers are. And some of the golfers who hit the ball right-to-left, are just slicers with enough compensations in their procedure to turn the ball the other way. But, believe it or not, fixing a slice is usually pretty easy. Often, a golfer can make a permanent improvement in the first lesson or session that utilizes the correct adjustment. It’s easy, because there is only one thing that must be done correctly to correct the problem. The problem is, most golfers have no idea what that is or how to do it.

Why do you think you slice? Because you come ‘over-the-top’? Reverse Pivot? Cut across the ball? ‘Hang back’ on your back foot, etc.?

Nope. You may do one or all of the above, but these ‘flaws’ don’t cause the slice, you do them because you slice.

You slice, because the clubface is too open. Period. Fix the clubface, and the slice goes bye-bye forever. The compensations will often also go away quickly when they are no longer needed.

The first step is to take any compensation out of your grip. You want a classic neutral grip Click Here for Manzella Grip Article.

Once this is done, you want to learn the all-important motion of the right wrist. Holding the club out in front of you, with the shaft level to the ground and the score lines vertical to the ground,

move the clubhead backward by bending the right wrist straight back while you bend the right elbow toward you. Your hands should stay directly in front of you as you do this.

If you do this correctly, the shaft will stay parallel to the ground, and the clubface will remain vertical to the ground. This is exactly the motion your wrists should make during the backswing.

Most golfers incorrectly ‘cock’ their right wrist, which immediately bends the left wrist.

This ‘double wristcock’ puts the clubface in a toe down position at the top, with a bent left wrist and a flat right wrist,

the exact opposite of the correct hand conditions at impact.

By bending the right wrist and twisting the clubface away from you as you swing the club to about chest high on the backswing,

you put the clubface in a far less open position.

This is the backswing portion of the much talked about Brian Manzella TwistAway.

Often, this ‘twist-away’, results in a slightly arched left wrist at the top. But that’s not a bad position to be in as you learn to make your hands do the opposite of what they were doing before.

If this procedure produces a ball that starts or curves too far to the right, simply make sure your left thumb is somewhat under the club at the top and the left wrist is still flat.

The completed backswing should have a flat left wrist and a bent right wrist, with the clubface ‘matching’ the angle of the left wrist and arm.


A key element to this slice cure is to ‘hold the twist’ into the downswing. The clubface should look away from you halfway down, just as it did halfway back.

This is the downswing portion of the Brian Manzella TwistAway.

Often, these adjustments will fix the slice by themselves. But, most golfers need the further ‘insurance’ of a proper swivel of the hands as the club travels to the finish after impact. Through impact your left wrist needs to remain flat and your right wrist bent.

The clubface needs to turn toward the ground past the ball on the way to pointing toward the target. This swivel position should consist of a still flat left wrist and a ‘fully rolled’ whole left arm.

This is the through-swing portion of the Brian Manzella TwistAway.

This put you in the "Wedding Ring Up" alignment.

If you can wind up with this alignment—even without perfect execution of the previous alignments—you often will wind up with a well stuck ball with little or no slice.

As the club nears the finish the left thumb should be under the club, and the left forearm should point straight toward the ground.

After making these adjustments, most slicers will be ex-slicers who need an improved impact position to keep from hitting the ball too right to left, a problem that most slicers would love to have.
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Brian Manzella

Never Slice Again 2.0

The long-awaited Never Slice Again 2.0, is coming soon.

The DVD will sell for $29.95 and will include access to the "web" version as well.

The "web-only" version will sell for $19.95.

It is BY FAR, my best work ever, and should set the standard for Anti-Slice videos for years to come.


Brian Manzella


I can't wait to get 'em out and see the reviews.

This video is SOOOOOOOOOooooooo much better than the Original (flimed in early 2003), it is hard to believe.

The message is more-or-less the same, but:

The footage—shot in HD and downconverted to SD—looks fantasic.

The graphics (and there are dozens and dozens of them) really help the explanation.

The PICTURE in PICTURE videos (including one cameo) and still REALLY REALLY help the explaination.

Having a student of mine to "move around" make the learning easier for the "armchair" student.

DVD Menus, make reference simple as pie.

And many more upgrades including—me!

I have gotten much better on camera.

I sure hope everyone enjoys it.:cool:
<<move the clubhead backward by bending the right wrist straight back while you bend the right elbow toward you>>

I don't have access to the "pre-edit" version.

Am risking posting my comment, previously deleted, again.

Focusing on the bend in the back of the right hand seems consitent with emphasis on the right forearm and right shoulder and IMO simplifies things tremendously, especially for the less skilled. For whatever the reason this was a "significant event" for me.

I have always felt that the state of golf would be different if Hogan had placed even half as much emphasis on the right hand as he did the left.

My order for this CD will be multiple quantities.

Will the beta-testers have to know or do something different to get their copy? I would think they'd be getting their dvd's first? :)

Brian Manzella

The Hogan (Schlee) Secret

<<move the clubhead backward by bending the right wrist straight back while you bend the right elbow toward you>>

Focusing on the bend in the back of the right hand seems consitent with emphasis on the right forearm and right shoulder and IMO simplifies things tremendously, especially for the less skilled. For whatever the reason this was a "significant event" for me.

I have always felt that the state of golf would be different if Hogan had placed even half as much emphasis on the right hand as he did the left.

My order for this CD will be multiple quantities.


Sounds good to me.

Hogan did say as much to Schlee, however.
After reading the article again (good stuff), I have a question: Is Brian saying there should not be any wrist cock in either wrist? I tried the backswing with no (or what felt like no) wrist cock and it seemed to flatten my left wrist even more. Further it put me in a position to pivot and "hit straight down to the ball" It kind of looked like the way JB Holmes swings.

Is the light coming on, or have I missed something else?

Brian Manzella

After reading the article again (good stuff), I have a question: Is Brian saying there should not be any wrist cock in either wrist? I tried the backswing with no (or what felt like no) wrist cock and it seemed to flatten my left wrist even more. Further it put me in a position to pivot and "hit straight down to the ball" It kind of looked like the way JB Holmes swings.

Is the light coming on, or have I missed something else?

You missed something else.
<<move the clubhead backward by bending the right wrist straight back while you bend the right elbow toward you>>

Focusing on the bend in the back of the right hand seems consitent with emphasis on the right forearm and right shoulder and IMO simplifies things tremendously, especially for the less skilled. For whatever the reason this was a "significant event" for me.

I have always felt that the state of golf would be different if Hogan had placed even half as much emphasis on the right hand as he did the left.

You are soooo right. When I started doing a twistaway then a lift motion in the backswing (what I call twist and set) it just felt like I was at the right place at the top and my shoulders/body felt far less involved then they had before (I took turn the shoulders too literally and had no up movment, only around)

From the top, once I then understood the hit with the right palm concept (angled hinging) the whole game just became so much easier for me. Better length, better control, better short game, better handicap

This stuff is gold dust. I've actually spent time explaining the concept to people I play with and their games have taken off to. I bet this would single handedly cut a lot of players handicaps in half if properly explained

Of course, Dante, Tomasello etc have tried to in the past but it needs bringing into the 21st century with clear pictures, drills and explanations. Hopefull the new vid will be just that:D
will those of us who purchased the beta version of Never Slice Again, be notified when the new version is available?
Will the DVd be automatically shipped to us?
Is Any Day Now!" one of the great fakeouts of all time? I'm hanging by my thumbs waiting for the new, "Never Slice Again" video, but it still seems to be in that great production studio down South.

Brian Manzella

How do you think I feel?

The Web Version will be available no later than Friday (Dec. 1).

We have a version "up" right now, but we are working on a better compression algorithm, and will settle on one today.

I am leaving for the "Golfing Machine" and "PGA" Summits on Saturday.

I am taking about 5 pre-release DVD's of "Never Slice Again" to give to a few pros for their comments (for the DVD case insert).

The DVD will probably ship by around the 15th-18th.

More details to follow.
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