Never Slice Again For Pullers????

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Okay, so after 30 years on and off of very average golf, and understanding all the "physics" of shots, their causes, effects, etc., confusion still persists on some issues. As a fairly new member here, I bought several of Brian's products, including the confessions of Former Flipper, and Never Slice Again. My question is this: I do not slice, ever, but I do have a tendency to pull the ball, from mildly left to the left of left, due to swinging outside in, obviously Yes, sometimes that OTT situation. However, I watched my swing on video and there is not doubt I swing "below the plane." That is, as Brian discusses in Never Slice Again, my right elbow caves in/tucks under, and the clubhead falls below the plane line. No doubt this in part explains my fairly violent spinning of the shoulders from the top, subconsciously to try to square things up from underneath-very difficult to do. So, what parts if any of Never Slice Again do I concentrate on? My grip is fine, my backswing is wrong(I had a mild reverse pivot, I have no idea why I let the clubhead drop down below the plane about half way down. I just am not sure whether I need to do a twistaway backswing, and maintaining such into the follow through, or would this mess up a pull swing even more?

Thanks guys. Love the videos.
vjsinger, divots go left for sure and vary from none at all, to way too deep. The "contradictions" in my swing are that I do drop the clubhead under the plane, as Brian explains it in Never Slice Again, and yet I am still able to use body turn(way too fast and hard) to go out to in-as opposed to the usual over the top where the arms and club iare thrown out right from the start of the downswing. Seemed like from that video purposely doing a twistaway was designed for two things-closing the face for a true slicer, and to that end, putting an end to a clubhead drop down and under the plane on the way down. But, since I do release the club at or near impact, and so can really whollop them left, will Brian's advice on that video be applicable to a true outside in puller of the ball, albeit one who pulls after dropping below the plane.
get some twistaway and see where the shots go. if they go left to left, apply less twistaway and tilt earlier in the downswing
I agree with Matt. You are a true slicer, it's just that you have a closed clubface and a path that's why left, so you pull everything.

Switch to a neutral grip; make a flat backswing, add a little axis tilt. This will fix the closed clubface and get you swinging on a better path. After you do this, my bet is that you'll be hitting it right. Because when you take away your compensations, your clubface will be open. At this point you can work on twistaway and wedding ring up, to fix the slice that you had but that was masked by your compensations.
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