New "Brian Manzella Show" Podcast

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Brian Manzella

The show is BACK!

Here is the first episode of 2006, before iTunes and PodBlaze gets it.



I like the intro and exit music..... some of the middle music is a bit much.

So do you really think "we can't stop progress"? I guess I just don't view what is happening to courses/equipment 'progress' for the good of the game, only for somebody's pocket book.

Brian Manzella

Thanks Ed.

The "theme song" is a 100% creation of mine (using GarageBand), the other's are Apple's and I think I'll do my own.

I really don't think the ball goes too far.

Brian, as long as the podcast remains free, I don't care what kind of music you play or how long you play it....AS ALWAYS, GREAT JOB!!!
Brian man...

But no one ever used those 2-piece rocks on tour in the 90s, did they?

No spin on wedges....unlike the ProV (or NIKE one or HX Tour or TP or Bridgestone.....or w/e).


No doubt the ball rolls further on pool-table fairways tho lol....
So Brian...

What would you like to see exactly?


-longer fairways (less roll....and less spin on irons they might even play a slightly higher spin ball and lose a bit more distance...maybe)
-wide fairwys, shorter rough (why tho? I have an idea but not exactly sure)

...what else?

Brian Manzella

No rough.

Rough is a joke.

Some courses look good with a second cut, Augusta is not one of them.

The ball is fine, the clubs are fine.

Golf INSTRUCTION stinks, Golf Courses are TOO hard, and Clubfitting needs wider availablity.

But ALL are FIXable.

I'll do my part.

Tom Bartlett

One thing we didn't touch on when talking about how far the ball goes now is iron lofts. Standard lofts on irons today are 3 or 4 degrees stronger than they were 15 years ago. Every degree of loft equates to about 3 yards. 3 or 4 degrees is one club length.
Tom Bartlett said:
One thing we didn't touch on when talking about how far the ball goes now is iron lofts. Standard lofts on irons today are 3 or 4 degrees stronger than they were 15 years ago. Every degree of loft equates to about 3 yards. 3 or 4 degrees is one club length.

GRAND point.

42 & 7/8ths

And steel shaft....and no springface....and small sweetspot....and no optimal spin rate launch monitor stuff.....although he could look at ballflight if he wanted to.


Brian, I'm glad to see the podcasts re-starting. And that was a long one (37 minutes).

Minor technical points; the phone-in parts were hard to hear, and the talking over on top of each other wasn't so great either. But don't let that deter you from being a media king!


Brian Manzella said:
Rough is a joke.

Some courses look good with a second cut, Augusta is not one of them.

The ball is fine, the clubs are fine.

Golf INSTRUCTION stinks, Golf Courses are TOO hard, and Clubfitting needs wider availablity.

But ALL are FIXable.

I'll do my part.

Square grooves are an advantage IMO, a lot more control out of the rough than days of old.

So you attribute the fairly dramatic increases in average tour driving distances over the last few years/decade simply to fairways and longer shafts?

The ball may or may not fly farther now, but it sure does move around less, better through the wind for sure - Heck - compare a shot hit with FG17's and a prof 100 vs a Callaway/hx tour - the Callaway is like cheating IMO. It is actually 'difficult' to make the ball move at all. Certainly a big part of the changes in scoring by the field is due to more forgiving gear across the board.


enjoyed the show, thoughts on course design

fun stuff...on the course set up issue, why do they have the fairways cut so short, just because they believe (or have poll/ratings numbers to show) that most fans love seeing the long ball? thought on course design would be to figure out the minimal distance you want somebody to hit an an approach shot (this is for a par 4) and then grow "rough" all across the fairway from that point in the fairway up to say, 10-15 yds before the green...leave the fairways wide so different approach angles to the green can be taken, but make the rough nasty enough that nobody wants to to go there...par 5's could have lay-up areas farther away from the green, but have the rough area such that no-one could get over it in 1...this way guys would have to make "shots" off the tee, not just bomb the heck out of it ...also, it would lessen the advantage to the "bombers"...of course, i'd also like to see today's male pro tennis players have to use wooded racquets:)



hcw said:
i'd also like to see today's male pro tennis players have to use wooded racquets:)

Whoa there Horse!

You will be wanting all the girls in long skirts and thick, wooly cardigans next.


Burner said:
Whoa there Horse!

You will be wanting all the girls in long skirts and thick, wooly cardigans next.

hmmmm, nah...but i'm not so sure the skin-tight latex is really necessary...i think the wooded racquets is analogus to major league baseball players using wooden bats (if they used metal, someone would die) is an interesting article on men's vs. womens golf (with a tennis reference thrown in) along these lines...

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