Brian talks about custom patterns for each individual. I am an "underplaner" that has been trying to move more towards the middle of the matrix by using the stock ideas from NHA. I've been playing poorly as of late - even if I've scored well, I can count the number of really good center of the face strikes on one hand after each round.
I had weakened my grip, but this weekend before a tournament, I somehow slipped into gripping it strongly again. And just like magic, my ball striking was much, much better. I think for ME, I had a better handle on controlling the clubface. Once I had that, I also could vary my path, and hit a couple fades and draws at will (not to mention it was worth 10-15 yards extra on the driver). I also think I can swing left easier.
So, my question is - do you think this is just a compensation, or is it something that I should stick with? I don't have any tournaments that I care about until September, so I wanted to really start working on my game in the next couple of months instead of playing. I would rather do things "right", but I'm not sure if "right" means sticking to an ideal, or if "right" means what works for me.