New Golf Invention Puts Swing to Music

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A physics professor has found a way to put the Swing’s Rhythm to Music

None other that TGM's own Ben Doyle see's advantages in giving the player more feedback.

Ben Doyle, who wrote the foreword to Homer Kelley’s popular instruction book, “The Golfing Machine,” said he could see benefits in a golfer being able to listen to the sound of the golf swing.

“You hear the thrust of centrifugal force,” said Doyle, the golf instructor at the Golf Club at Quail Lodge in Carmel, Calif. “If a student can hear that sound, it’s very important feedback.”

This sounds interesting to me. The more acurate feedback a player can get about what is actually happening when swinging a golf club is beneficial. How did the golf channel miss on this?
Good catch Lia:


Did you have a chance to see this invention or talk any further on golf and physics with Dr Grober?


Pretty interesting stuff. I watched video and can see value in this device. I also think synca-swing probably will accomplish the same thing. In the case of both, it could help for a short time, then I would probably never use it again.

I suspect this could be a great teaching aid for instructors.
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