New here but

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I am very impressed with the posts I have read. Now, to my problems.
I am a 5 (4.6) handi despite a struggling driver. My irons and short game save me from my tee game.

I am a hitter, ss of 110+ but have been spraying my driver. My normal ball flight is a fade but will occasionally hit a dead pull.
I think part of the problem is having no idea where my driver is during the swing. (I think the shaft is too light at 65-s) When I overswing I will slice, I control the overswing most of the time, it is the sudden pull that is eating away at my confidence. I will get a tape of my swing soon but I am wondering if there obvious fix for the symptoms. Thanks in advance for any advice.
I think I've heard before that hitters should use heavier shafts...not sure if the "hitter" term was any reference to TGM...I'm sure someone here will know if a heavier shaft will help.

As for hitting in general...I'm no authority...I swing mostly (you hitters are a weird bunch man [8D]).

BTW, welcome to the forum...and you're right there are great things that happen in these TGM forums. Get into TGM and that handicap will get down to scratch.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
hitters in my experience tend TOWARDS heavier driver shafts...usually in the 70-80g. Not always the case though. Also, what is the swing weight on the driver? I found when it was too light or not "head heavy" enough i'd have problems.

Your dead pull btw is due to an offplane shoulder movement
thanks for the info. I played this morning and part way through the round it clicked. Felt my swing from a good shoulder turn and my driving improved immediately. I used to play with a friend who was a teaching pro and his tip was always - shoulder to shoulder-
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