New Orleans on my mind...

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Mr. J

Just wanted to let all forum readers know that in a little over an hour, my wife is coming to pick me up and we are heading to New Orleans. We will spend the night and tomorrow I get to spend a few hours with the MANZ. My journey in finding him has been quite unique. However, even though Brian is over 6 hours from where I live, I do believe that tomorrow will be a great experience in learning...perhaps unlike any I have ever had before. When my day is done and I get back to my home base, I plan on posting another thread/topic on my exprerience with him as I have seen some do. What you read you may find helpful. So, here's to chasing perfection...
Learn a bunch, you will love it!

Have fun learn a bunch I did! He is one heck of a teacher and a person. BM is a great mentor to have. You will be so much better off when you finish and you will be so much smarter and will be able to make sense of it all; once you see him and truly listen to what he is telling you. The way that it came off to me was if I was back in my major sporting days, A coach that you just love to learn from a coach that will make you better and challenge you to do things that you thought you couldnt do. BM is able to make sense of what you havent made since of yet. He is a true Pro!! Have fun!!! :D
Just wanted to let all forum readers know that in a little over an hour, my wife is coming to pick me up and we are heading to New Orleans. We will spend the night and tomorrow I get to spend a few hours with the MANZ. My journey in finding him has been quite unique. However, even though Brian is over 6 hours from where I live, I do believe that tomorrow will be a great experience in learning...perhaps unlike any I have ever had before. When my day is done and I get back to my home base, I plan on posting another thread/topic on my exprerience with him as I have seen some do. What you read you may find helpful. So, here's to chasing perfection...<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Can't wait to here the review....
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