New student question

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After finding out about Homer's book and you translating the sometimes confusing info I feel like I'm on the right track. I used to swing inside out and never squared the face and everything went right. Well for the first week of the new swing I was killing everything and hitting straighter than I ever have before(most shots draw a little). The last two times out I have corrected my ball position as you have described and now I'm starting to pull everthing left. I've always had the ball back in my stance untill now. Is there a drill on correcting this or any info from other guys that have had this problem?
One good thing about it is I haven't hit one ball right in a month now. Thanks!


Most good players fight a hook before learning to hit a controlled fade, so take solice in that. I will let the Brainiacs on here advise you from here, but when i'm missing left it's because my hands and arms are too active.
Thanks, I've read all the articles but with all this new info to absorb I can't yet make corrections while playing. But I must say I'm more excited than ever about golf and hope to call soon for a lesson in Louisville.
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