New Training Aid?

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This is nothing new - Tommy Bolt endorsed a similar device 25-30 yrs ago. The problem is that while being used, it demos the value of a FLW by making it physically impossible to bend the left wrist, but does not train you how to get a FLW without it.

In this wristfirm commercial, he says that you can play with it, but doesn't mention that it's illegal under the rules of golf.
as a teacher, i believe that anything that can give students the true feel of a flw is good. the idea of any trainning device is to use it , then remove it until you can replicate the movement without the aid. a similar device or even the secret has worked with my students, so i would endorse these kinds of devices.


I was thinking about it because I have a problem of letting my hands go too far back on my backswing, which seems to change the position of my hands too much sometimes.
I was a victim of this device - using an arm swing together with a circle delivery path and no left arm rotation, you can get a FLW at impact. Take it off, and the clubhead beats the hands to the ball, and the user thinking that to get the FLW, he must stiffen the left wrist to fight the weight of the clubhead, can damage the left wrist. The user won't necessarily realize that an entirely different set of movements are required to achieve a FLW without the device.

Use of the device under the supervision of an instructor is a different matter.


Cool. I think another side effect could be the shanks if one does not properly rotate the left arm in an attempt to gain and keep and FLW. I think this is something that I was doing for a time when I first started looking at TGM.
quote:Originally posted by jeffy

Try the Pure-Swing which Brian had me use at the Orlando school. Here is the link:
I have used it many of times and it works well, but then again I know john personally and have used training aids of his some of the golfing world will never see;)
you keep the thing that sticks out of the shaft on the inside of your left forearm at impact. If it is kept there then you have a flat left wrist for sure!!! but it also keeps you in a good position in the backswing. It is great in it tells you when you are breaking down. If you buy it and dont like it, John will give you your money back. But if you buy it and use it right you wont want to send it back. Bman uses it for a reason;)

Tom Bartlett

Pure swing, I think is the best because it isn't a crutch. It doesn't force you to keep the left wrist flat like the secret and others. Instead it lets you know when you are doing it right. With the crutch type gizmos you can still be fighting your tendency to let the wrist bend but with the "pure swing" YOU have to keep your left wrist flat.
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