NEW YOU TUBE! The Brian Manzella Show - Episode 7 -Driver Adjustments

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The attack of THE MANZELLION!

Look out!
6 Videos in one hour Helppppp!

Thank you Brian!!!

The Manzellion Master in action -

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DAMN!!!!!!!!! I love this site. Thanks for being the best resource on the net. One of these days I'll have make my Manzella Pilgrimmage(probably spelled that wrong, but my 3 year old is on my lap as I write this lol) I've learned so much more here in the few months I've been on the site than the 10 years I've been playing. Keep up the good work!
Lots of helpful stuff in there for me. I had forgotten about lining up the big stick in the air vs on the ground.
But, what really hit home for me was about not 'facing the ball' with the body because it opens everything up.
I wish it weren't raining here tonight, or I'd go outside and hit some practice balls.

Thanks for the great video.


For me,
I only viewed the first half of the video, but it was already the best video I've seen, here. Thanks Brian
lol wtFFFFFF was that??!?! (HOT CHILLI)


Annnnnnddddd............that music/Van Damme grunting was definitely from Bloodsport or Kickboxer.....

(good job)
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