NHA 2.0 Question

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First I would like to say your video quality is getting better with each one......My first question is some clarification on when do you get back on plane? If we start with a one piece takeaway and then lift up the wall and then after the carry and we drop back down is that when we are getting onto the yellow brick road plane? I guess what I am asking are you trying to get us to do more of a what would look like a backward j instead of a c shape?

Question two is about that angled hingeing, I still can't get that horizontal/angled hinge straight. You stated that angle hingeing is cutting through the plane. Does that mean the leading edge of the club is 90 degrees to the plane?

Brian Manzella


First I would like to say your video quality is getting better with each one

Thank you.

My first question is some clarification on when do you get back on plane?

Depends on what plane you wind up on.

David Toms, Mike Jacobs and 1995 BMAnz all dropped all the way down to the elbow plane just before impact, and went through on it.

Lots of folks just drop it to the Turned Shoulder Plane and go down and back up it.

the yellow brick road plane?

All plane angles, if the plane line is STRAIGHT at the target, describe a "yellow brick road" on the ground.

I guess what I am asking are you trying to get us to do more of a what would look like a backward j instead of a c shape?

Backward J.

Question two is about that angled hingeing, I still can't get that horizontal/angled hinge straight. You stated that angle hingeing is cutting through the plane. Does that mean the leading edge of the club is 90 degrees to the plane?

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