Freddie & DT
Interesting clip, looks like Freddie has very much of a right forearm pickup motion to start his backswing.
Freddie does not have a right forearm pickup by actual definition, because by definition, because he does not trace a straight plane line going back.
That's why I despise "book" definitions, because lots of times they were not really well defined.
As far as I am concerned you can have a hands leading the pivot backswing, a pivot leading the hands backswing, or a combo.
Fred Couples uses a hands leading the pivot backswing—for the most part, but he does shift his hips a hair right in the takeaway, and then again—a lot—toward the end of the backswing.
David Toms was the "inspiration" for the
Never Hook Again pattern, but Fred Couples could be the "poster boy" for the pattern, because if you thought "Lift, Drop, & Rotate," you'd think of Couples.
I did play my best, back in 1994-1996, using Couples' swing as my "thought."