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Holy cow, I'm starting to LOVE this swing. This is my 2nd time out this year and only the 2nd time I've EVER golfed with NHA. I'm hitting more fairways and GIR's than I was at my peak last year. I'm giving up some distance but my control is so much greater. I think my swing had too many moving parts with SD, and NHA tightens everything up and makes it more compact. I just played the best 18 holes of my life (minus 2 holes). I can't even imagine what this summer is going to be like.

Attention hookers, if you haven't bought NHA2.0 yet you are missing out BIG TIME! Hooks and pushes were KILLING me last year and I have yet to hit a hook. A few pulls but not much, pretty minor. After I get used to this swing more, I don't see myself missing a fairway.

PS I had my putter going good as well and I holed out a pitch from 45 yards so that was fun.
Thanks Jim, I'm even happier now than I was yesterday. I just read the thread regarding the cold's effect on distance. I wasn't giving up much from last years SD swing and it was only 45 degrees out.



Once you conquer it, and The Hook, you emerge into the golden land of Custom Land.

The freedom that comes from the yellow brick road is incredible. My arms fly, it is amazing how much swinging too inside out slows down the club. NHA is not just for accuracy, it is a pattern that produces a lot of speed.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The freedom that comes from the yellow brick road is incredible. My arms fly, it is amazing how much swinging too inside out slows down the club. NHA is not just for accuracy, it is a pattern that produces a lot of speed.

Yes once you get used to it; i just worked with someone the other day where we moved his plane line significantly from inside/out to just "some" but obviously the change was radical for him.

The biggest difference in his swing was his pivot improved dramatically because he was able to really pull hard and not slow down and "sling it out" to the right.
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