NHA pattern - still snap hooking at times

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I bought the NHA video, as I often struggle with snap hooks - particularly with long irons and sometimes my woods. Prior to buying the NHA video, my backswing was far too inside with too much hip turn, and I also dropped my hands immediately in the downswing.

After watching the NHA video several times, my backswing has become more upright, but I still tend to drop my hands immediately at the start of the downswing and leave them too far inside, which still results in snap hooks. My hands may drop too soon because my hips tend to slide forward too quickly.

At any rate, my guess is that I'm not using the carry properly. I have tried to have a swing thought of carrying the club to the wall before moving forward, but that hasn't taken yet and often results in me squeezing the club too tightly. Does anyone have any swing thoughts or other ideas that may help me get out of this hard-to-break habit of letting my hands fall immediately in the downswing (before the club has a chance of getting carried back towards the wall)?

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