I've been working hard for the past few months on the "carry" portion of the swing to prevent getting under plane. I'm making progress (the hurdle drill is terrific), but I have a question.
After you carry the club to start your downswing, your hands move away from your body and your shoulders begin to open up, allowing the club to exit toward "the yellow brick road." My question is, what is the downside to a more outside and vertical takeaway with less carry? Just simply getting the club into the exact same position the carry ultimately achieves?
Is that just more of a Soft Fade pattern?...which for an underplaner like me is not such a bad thing. Or does a more in path with the hands on the takeaway achieve a better pivot?
After you carry the club to start your downswing, your hands move away from your body and your shoulders begin to open up, allowing the club to exit toward "the yellow brick road." My question is, what is the downside to a more outside and vertical takeaway with less carry? Just simply getting the club into the exact same position the carry ultimately achieves?
Is that just more of a Soft Fade pattern?...which for an underplaner like me is not such a bad thing. Or does a more in path with the hands on the takeaway achieve a better pivot?