Address and how JN “felt it” from Golf My Way
*leading the club head into the ball with the hands fundamental to solid, accurate shot-making….
*what you are really doing at address is previewing your impact position…
*the hands should obviously be set ahead of the ball at address
*I address the ball with my left arm and the club forming a straight line
*my left shoulder is always closer than the ball is to my target
*my hands must be ahead of the ball
*other benefits to be derived from setting up with the left arm and club in line:
-automatically helps establish the correct shoulder tilt at address, with the left shoulder slightly higher than the right, just as it should be during impact.
-encourages the right arm to fall into the correct slot, slightly “under” the left…as desirable during impact
-in my case, promotes a smooth start to the swing with everything moving together as a one-piece unit
* “I think”
-allowing a concave kink at the back of the left wrist at address will almost certainly cause the hands to work independently by encouraging a dragging back of the club head, often outside the line
-a convex arching or forward bowing of the left wrist at address tends to force the hands and wrists independently to lift the club abruptly on the backswing
*For all normal shots I position my head well behind the ball…How far?….if you drew a vertical line straight up from the ball….it would connect with the left ear