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I can NOT get the ball to start to the right of target to save my life. Not so with driver,just irons. I want to start the ball way right & bring it back. I will fix it from there. Just need to get it going right. I know the help is here all ideas will be tried. Thanks cayrbee


Hitting your irons way out to the right with a massive draw is not a very good way to hit greens. That being said, if you get underplane with a lot of spine tilt coming into impact I can promise you that you'll be snap-hooking in no time.
Tried adding right side bend through and after downswing (there are a couple threads on this not too long ago) ?

Also, tried swinging in a way that you let lead left arm drop off chest much earlier in the downswing and adding more right arm to shot earlier (reduce amount your chest carries lead arm before throwing)?
Hitting your irons way out to the right with a massive draw is not a very good way to hit greens. That being said, if you get underplane with a lot of spine tilt coming into impact I can promise you that you'll be snap-hooking in no time.

Yeah, and the snappers with the driver are especially easy to acquire when you start working on more rightward path.

To hit a big slinger...use a lot of flexion in your left wrist..this gets the butt of the club forward (right fieldish) relative to the path.

Brian Manzella

Brian Manzella's Top 10 Strikes Again...

Brian Manzella's Top 10 Best Ways to Start the Ball to the Right

1. Tailbone closer to the target then the base-of-the-neckbone.

2. Right Arm lower than the left arm at impact.

3. Back into the left leg on the downswing by retaining—or adding to—the backswing hip turn.

4. Start the backswing with a sharp right hip turn.

5. Keep your right forearm "belly-side" up (non-hairly side) through impact.

6. As your right foot comes off the ground in the downswing, keep you right heel closer to the target than the ball of the foot to impact.

7. Rock Skipping/under handed javelin through attitude.

8. Swing Under the stick.

9. Lead with your elbow (pitch basic stroke).

10. Start the swing with your shoulders slightly closed, your right foot slightly back, & and your right forearm on plane.


Pretty sure he means right heel pulling up and going toward target while right ball/toes stay on ground on downswing.
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