No tug rule vs back to target (for as long you can)

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Brian Manzella

Are these the same thing or different concepts altogether?

They are the same thing.

Interestingly, I had this other idea of how to teach someone to do all of this stuff.

Just have large gorillapod-type device shaped like I'd want them to swing, in other words, a full-size template for the clubhead path from the top through the halfway through point.

Then just tell the student that they want the club to do this and suggest the tangental or torqued or normal force, and get out of the way.

It could work.

In other words NO TALK ABOUT THE BODY.

They are the same thing.

Just have large gorillapod-type device shaped like I'd want them to swing, in other words, a full-size template for the clubhead path from the top through the halfway through point.


I have an image of 20 (or the max number that do not interfere with each other) golf clubs all suspended in space and all in the correct position....the challenge is to find away of suspending them in space. I suspect that is where the gorilla pods come into play...anyone still got their childhood Meccano sets...if so, send them the Brian's place. It's all for a good cause.
I have an image of 20 (or the max number that do not interfere with each other) golf clubs all suspended in space and all in the correct position....the challenge is to find away of suspending them in space. I suspect that is where the gorilla pods come into play...anyone still got their childhood Meccano sets...if so, send them the Brian's place. It's all for a good cause.

post the image if you can, sounds awesome...
In order to get a full release, Nicklaus suggested trying for a "feeling on every shot of getting the clubhead on the ball before you shoulders turn past parallel to the target line." This swing thought has helped me when I work on beginning my swing with the out-toss. It seems to keep me from tugging on the club with my shoulders. Am I thinking of the "No tug rule vs back to target (for as long you can)" properly?
I think you are .... you can't actually keep you back to the target for very long, so back to the target is 'feel'...Nicklaus' comments represent 'real'.
I had to try Brian's tip in another thread about having the right shoulder as far a way from the ball as possible @ impact. It reinforced some of the feels I have at address when I play well and it worked very well as a key for me..
Thanks BerntR. That's a great swing seems like only yesterday when the name of the game was getting the left shoulder as far away from the ball at impact.
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