Nominate 3 Topics to be featured on the DEBUT of Manzella LIVE! next Wenesday

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Brian Manzella

The "D" Plane will be my MAIN segment in the middle of the show.

So lets start nominating...and we'll do a poll when we get a few.
When you arch your wrist at impact it opens the face but if you arch the wrist at the top of swing they call that a closed clubface?
For skilled players, why do I see good drivers who can't compress iron shots and guys who can compress iron shots who can't drive it??
snapping the kinetic chain.

I know Brian is convinced that it exists. I am convinced too.

But does more snapping equal greater clubhead speed? I think there's a point where diminishing returns will be reached - and there's probably less snap at that point than Brian thinks.
snapping the kinetic chain.

I know Brian is convinced that it exists. I am convinced too.

But does more snapping equal greater clubhead speed? I think there's a point where diminishing returns will be reached - and there's probably less snap at that point than Brian thinks.

This would be an interesting topic hopefully Brian can clear up this whole debate.
btw has the forum changed cause i was reading a new thread on kinetic chain by the hammer but i can't locate it anymore?

Dariusz J.

New member
For skilled players, why do I see good drivers who can't compress iron shots and guys who can compress iron shots who can't drive it??

This is a really great question. I'd add also: does it mean that you basically can't have the same swing for a driver and for irons ?

How do you keep putter on plane with angle hinging without bending right wrists and left wrists quite a bit. And since compression/distance isn't a big issue with putting, is keeping the putter on plane even that important.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I like CMartin's question, the need for two swings.

I am definitely in the latter, can compress the crap out of short and medium irons, but not so much with the driver.
working on your swing alone


Given you have some basic pattern you are trying to work on such as soft draw, stack and tilt( you know I have a good reason to consider this) what is the best way to practice to work out the swing. Do you break each major component seperate and focus on it like the pivot , takeaway etc.. Or do you look at the whole swing and refine the more noticeable deviations first? Also given your alone do you use video, mirrors,practice stations some training aids to go along with it?

I personally don't believe the average golfer can really improve without the ability to work on their improvement alone since for most people access to a good instructor and the costs prohibit frequent useage.

This is not saying a instructor like you can get them started in the right direction but in the end the real learning that must be take place is the students responsibility.

NSA or SD1. When and how do you know which is the better pattern to stay with? Is it all clubface control that tells you that NSA is better for an individual or should the person strive to use SD1? In my case, I could not get SD1 to produce a draw (in fact I was hitting more rights with it), so Jim K correctfully recommended I work on clubface control. I went back to twistaway and I am better off for now. Can some patterns just not be right for some people?
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Given you have some basic pattern you are trying to work on such as soft draw, stack and tilt( you know I have a good reason to consider this) what is the best way to practice to work out the swing. Do you break each major component seperate and focus on it like the pivot , takeaway etc.. Or do you look at the whole swing and refine the more noticeable deviations first? Also given your alone do you use video, mirrors,practice stations some training aids to go along with it?

I personally don't believe the average golfer can really improve without the ability to work on their improvement alone since for most people access to a good instructor and the costs prohibit frequent useage.

This is not saying a instructor like you can get them started in the right direction but in the end the real learning that must be take place is the students responsibility.


I second this. What is the best way to practice swing changes working alone? Especially considering that what you feel is often very different from what is happening.
For this week's episode I vote for anything on the kinetic chain and the underlying pivot components that allow greater clubhead speed.

Oh btw, maybe we can discuss the fact that the hand controlled pivot doesn't exist? :)
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