Not just another golf forum

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I've been "out of the game" so to speak for about 6 months now. And are finally getting back to the point where golf is important to me.

This is Manzellaland where people come to hear what Brian has to say. There are many many general golf forums where people can play golf pro. I'm not gonna stand over a brain surgeons shoulder and tell him how to do his job. And I think we have way too many people muddying up the water here. You want joe schmoes opinion post at FGI or 4GEA. You want to Listen to someone who knows.....

I'm not talking friendly debate, I'm talking playing golf pro, I know people are just wanting to be helpful, but this place has been used as a jumping off point for many to try to get their name recognized blah blah blah.

Anyway back to regular programing.
I thought the Manzella Answer forum was a real plus. Kind keeps the noise down while getting the information.
I thought the Manzella Answer forum was a real plus. Kind keeps the noise down while getting the information.'s a great idea.

"Ask the PROS."

(so long as this shmuck can realize where he's posting and not respond on Brian and Co.'s TURF....;))

I've been "out of the game" so to speak for about 6 months now. And are finally getting back to the point where golf is important to me.

This is Manzellaland where people come to hear what Brian has to say. There are many many general golf forums where people can play golf pro. I'm not gonna stand over a brain surgeons shoulder and tell him how to do his job. And I think we have way too many people muddying up the water here. You want joe schmoes opinion post at FGI or 4GEA. You want to Listen to someone who knows.....

I'm not talking friendly debate, I'm talking playing golf pro, I know people are just wanting to be helpful, but this place has been used as a jumping off point for many to try to get their name recognized blah blah blah.

Anyway back to regular programing.

Forum - " a meeting or medium for an exchange of views"

If Brian doesn't know our views, then how can anything be exchanged?...

Sometimes a change of view only really takes place when an erronious proposition is dispelled due to continuous argument and discussion, sometimes to exhaustion...
What makes it great?

Brian's energy. He posts more than anyone on this board. Including all the videos, altered photos, audio, etc.

Now we are getting videos from his living room. What's next? Putting tips from the bedroom??
I don't know about anyone else but my putting can use some help. I'll take Brian's bedroom putting tips anytime.
Forum - " a meeting or medium for an exchange of views"

If Brian doesn't know our views, then how can anything be exchanged?...

Sometimes a change of view only really takes place when an erronious proposition is dispelled due to continuous argument and discussion, sometimes to exhaustion...

There is a difference between saying, I always heard.....

My pro told me....

I feel that this is happening in my swing.....

Than giving someone instruction that may not gel with Brian's ideas on the golf swing. Like I said, big difference in exchanging ideas and friendly debate versus telling someone their doing so and so wrong in their golf swing. Those types of comments should be coming from Brian and staff. Like I said there are tons of forums that allow you that opportunity, I would just rather not have to sort thru all the sour milk to get to the cream.
Brian, I have been to other sites,took lessons from so called experts,read books and magazines.Never ever have I been so informed about the golf swing as I have on your site!Thats why I trusted you to help me with my swing and I and everyone who regulary visits this site knows I will not be let down.Keep up the great work and we will all be greatful that you and your staff will clear the polluted water. We are all students of this great game and you guys make it informative and fun.Anybody who has been on this and other sites know who to listen to,if not hopefully they will.Thanks E.
Forum - " a meeting or medium for an exchange of views"

If Brian doesn't know our views, then how can anything be exchanged?...

Sometimes a change of view only really takes place when an erronious proposition is dispelled due to continuous argument and discussion, sometimes to exhaustion...

"Golf Discussions" vs. "Manzella's Golf Answer Department."
The stuff Brian provides on this website is priceless and the majority of the information is free.

Knowing that, I have purchased all of his videos and have traveled to Louisville to get some outstanding instruction on three ocassions. I know Brian doesn't expect it, but I feel it is the least I can do for someone who cares and shares!

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Brian is the real deal. Even better "live" and in person than on the forum. When I get to hitting it crooked. I think back to my 3 hours on the range with Brian and get it figured out quickly.

This is Brian's forum and because of that I feel like I get consistent instruction, but lately it has gotten a little confusing around here with all the different opinions, hopefully it will clean up.


Like I said, big difference in exchanging ideas and friendly debate versus telling someone their doing so and so wrong in their golf swing.


You aren't making any sense with that statement....

How do you exchange ideas without saying what you think or know, from whatever source you got it?.. Can you tell me how you do this?...

If someone posts "My swing Pleae help" etc in the General Section, what kind of "exchanged ideas" or "friendly discussion" do you think that is going to generate?....posts like, "Well it looks fine to me (when in reality it doesn't), but maybe Brian will spot something.." What a boring forum this would become....

As you said a forum is a place for exchange and discussion. If you remove the majority of contributors from the debate, then you don't have a forum, you have a dictatorship, where the meek and lowly sit adoringly at the feet of the superior...
God help us.......:eek:

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Dude your not getting it, I'm all for a free exchange of ideas, but the majority of us are here because Manzella actually HELPED us with our golf swings, he didn't have us doing weird things or trying to follow a system, but he helped us in a real meaningful way golfswing wise.

I'm sure you are knowledgeable of the golfswing and that's great, but I come to to get instruction and information from him or one of his instructors not people who constantly want to challenge and debate him for their own personal gain.

Don't take my post the wrong way, I like what you have to say about a lot of issues but again, I come here for Manzella instruction, not people who constantly challenge or disagree with him

You aren't making any sense with that statement....

How do you exchange ideas without saying what you think or know, from whatever source you got it?.. Can you tell me how you do this?...

If someone posts "My swing Pleae help" etc in the General Section, what kind of "exchanged ideas" or "friendly discussion" do you think that is going to generate?....posts like, "Well it looks fine to me (when in reality it doesn't), but maybe Brian will spot something.." What a boring forum this would become....

As you said a forum is a place for exchange and discussion. If you remove the majority of contributors from the debate, then you don't have a forum, you have a dictatorship, where the meek and lowly sit adoringly at the feet of the superior...
God help us.......:eek:

If you haven't gotten it by now your not going to get it. And this is the last I'm posting on this as it is a complete waste of energy. There is an ENORMOUS difference between stating an opinion or a thought about the golf swing and telling someone what you believe they should be doing in their swing. (example: I think the right leg should straighten on the backswing and a discussion of the merits and disadvantages occurs. OR: I watched your swing and you need to make sure your not doing so and so cause Leadbetter says thats a no no) When it quits being a discussion and starts being a lesson the person has gone to far.

I don't know why anyone would post a swing on this forum for the purpose of having everybody tell them what they think cause you're gonna get a dozen different opinions. You can get that kind of information anywhere on the web. What you can't get is a highly qualified instructor who is willing to share the amount of time an energy that Brian Manzella does. I haven't always "gotten" whats been said, and THATS the time to ask questions and have discussions, I feel like I'm starting from scratch and I don't want a Golf Digest tip of the month swing I want something that I know is precise and consistent.

If I don't think Brian can make me a better player... I know where the door is. I just feel if he is gonna be this generous the least anyone can do is to let him do his thing without him having to undo the "lessons" being given by others.

Like I said, this ends this thread for me. I've got better things to do.

Brian Manzella



You have done plenty enough. Thank you very much.

Mc has said what I always wanted to say: If you want HELP with your game, this is your place. If you want to LEARN from me and you are a teacher, or you are a Dad who wants to teach their daughter, this is your place.

If you don't understand what good The Golfing Machine is in the real world of YOUR game or YOUR STUDENTS game, this is your place..

If you want information that is always ahead of the pop-instruction curve, this is your place..

If you TOTALLY disagree with me, but are an open minded person, this is your place. I'll do my best to explain to you why I think I am right, or maybe, I'll learn from you.

This forum is really my teaching HOME. Nobody tells me what to do here. Well Mike Finney does, but he means well.

Without the distortion of other teachers on here trying to steal some students or members for their web forum, or their henchmen—or themselves posing as henchmen ;) —attacking me, THIS PLACE is a GREAT PLACE and alot of fun.

I will continue to upgrade this place EVERYDAY. But I want you all to know something very important:

This Place would be "just another web forum" if it wasn't for the people who "get it," like sooooo many of you.

Thanks a bunch.

....and now, back to the Manzella-Channel, right here in Manzella-land.:D

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Well said Brian, visiting your forum brings back a sense of sanity to golf that is missing. Forums such as iseekgolf will never have what you have.
I have learned tons on this forum for which I will be eternally grateful to Brian and his very cool staff. I feel I can be myself when asking questions that I don't have the answers to or just looking for confirmation. This is a "great place" for that and it is a "place" for me. I thank you so much BMan for everthing you've given me and us!!!!

I hope someday we can meet in would be my honor.:)
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