Noticed this at the Masters today

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Many of the pros - I would say at least 50% - aim their feet considerably left of the target but aim the club at the target then hit kind of a push. I had never really noticed this before - just curious as to thoughts about this and if it is a good idea to try to emulate.

By the way Augusta is just sick how nice it is. The place is a Mecca.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Yes many of them do that, and it isn't necessarily a push it's just where they prefer to setup their feet. The more open they are the less they will be prone to hook it because of how open they can get at impact.

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
Ted, Did you spend a lot of time at the 12th and 16th holes? The reason I ask is that both pins were in the right corners and many players were cutting it in there.
No - I noticed this on the range and the course all over. I stood on #5 in the fairway for a bunch of groups and MANY of the pros have their feet aimed dead left. I also noticed that they rarely - if ever - miss left. 90% of the misses are right. If it goes left then it is a pull rather that a hook. I was with 3 others and we were all commenting on it all day. I agree with Jim - I think that they all dread going left and it is a safety measure of sorts to clear out of the way.

Like I said before the grounds are just amazing. Proves the only thing you need is $$$. The thing that stands out to me are the severity of the greens. Just brutal. 4, 5 and 6 are rediculous - they built 5 green on an elephant burial ground.

Quick comments on a few players -

Couples - Cannot believe how long he is. If only he could get a back replacement.

Els - Seems like he is really struggling - dont see him having much of a chance. Great sand player though - every sand shot he hits is lovely.

Donald, Zack Johnson, Villagas (sp?), and a bunch of others - proves you dont have to be a big guy to play good golf. They all weigh about 145 soaking wet.

Michael Campbell - No chance - struggling.

El Pato - Hits a country mile. Good short game too - I think he's a dark horse.

Sergio - Hits a country mile. On a string. He can really move a driver - if only he could putt. Was working with Utley on the putting green after his practice round.

Jose Maria - He slashes at the ball - super quick tempo.

Westwood - Was not putting very well when I saw him. You have to putt well period.

Stenson - Awesome swing - can't putt. No chance in my book.

Cink - Struggling. Looks really uncomfortable with his swing.
Freddy, my god. when he was in houston he was hitting a 3 iron where everybody else was hitting woods. very long:)
No - I noticed this on the range and the course all over. I stood on #5 in the fairway for a bunch of groups and MANY of the pros have their feet aimed dead left. I also noticed that they rarely - if ever - miss left. 90% of the misses are right. If it goes left then it is a pull rather that a hook. I was with 3 others and we were all commenting on it all day. I agree with Jim - I think that they all dread going left and it is a safety measure of sorts to clear out of the way.

Like I said before the grounds are just amazing. Proves the only thing you need is $$$. The thing that stands out to me are the severity of the greens. Just brutal. 4, 5 and 6 are rediculous - they built 5 green on an elephant burial ground.

Quick comments on a few players -

Couples - Cannot believe how long he is. If only he could get a back replacement.

Els - Seems like he is really struggling - dont see him having much of a chance. Great sand player though - every sand shot he hits is lovely.

Donald, Zack Johnson, Villagas (sp?), and a bunch of others - proves you dont have to be a big guy to play good golf. They all weigh about 145 soaking wet.

Michael Campbell - No chance - struggling.

El Pato - Hits a country mile. Good short game too - I think he's a dark horse.

Sergio - Hits a country mile. On a string. He can really move a driver - if only he could putt. Was working with Utley on the putting green after his practice round.

Jose Maria - He slashes at the ball - super quick tempo.

Westwood - Was not putting very well when I saw him. You have to putt well period.

Stenson - Awesome swing - can't putt. No chance in my book.

Cink - Struggling. Looks really uncomfortable with his swing.

i got money on stenson, pato, andres romero, hunter mahan and aaron baddeley. the stenson news isnt good, but imn hoping on cabrera and baddeley most.
cabrera = long
baddeley = great putter

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
One of freddie's first time back this year was at a televised event just not sure it was the skins. They clocked him at 118 at his age and back issue, a friend of mine played golf with him back when he was in college and said that freddie used to win long drive contests and was one of the few people back then that could hit a 290-300 yard drive
One of freddie's first time back this year was at a televised event just not sure it was the skins. They clocked him at 118 at his age and back issue, a friend of mine played golf with him back when he was in college and said that freddie used to win long drive contests and was one of the few people back then that could hit a 290-300 yard drive

he plays a fade as well. from what i can gather, the long hitters all play draw. i.e bubba, J.B

Brian Manzella

Aim Left, Swing Right.

Aim Left, Swing Right.

The first thing most better players learn from other good players trying to help.

David Toms does this as well.

I aim so far left on tee shots it would shock you.


Absolutely the worse thing possible for many golfers though.
Sounds Like....

Aim Left, Swing Right.

The first thing most better players learn from other good players trying to help.

David Toms does this as well.

I aim so far left on tee shots it would shock you.


Absolutely the worse thing possible for many golfers though.

Sounds like a hockey slap shot


There is hope!:)

Aim Left, Swing Right.

The first thing most better players learn from other good players trying to help...

...this was essentially the set-up change i made recently that led to much better ball-striking tee to green the last time i if i could just find time to get out more:-(

Kinda backwards on that, almost every long hitter plays a fade including Bubba and J.B. and Freddie and Jack and Tiger and VJ and Ogilvy etc

i know for a fact that bubba's standard shot is a draw. he sets up well open, and even has his grips on a side to prevents hooks. he has more axis tilt than almost anyone on tour and he has a strong grip to boot.

i know jack played a fade his whole life, but i thought if he went for a big one, he went to the draw.

freddie definately fades it, as does phil and vijay

john daly always drew it

tiger natural shot is proberly a draw, but he doesnt use his 'normal' shot often
Aim Left, Swing Right.

The first thing most better players learn from other good players trying to help.

David Toms does this as well.

I aim so far left on tee shots it would shock you.


Absolutely the worse thing possible for many golfers though.

Elbow Planers correct?

I don't think I am meant for this. Have had problems with swinging too far to right.


Aim Left, Swing Right.

The first thing most better players learn from other good players trying to help.

David Toms does this as well.

I aim so far left on tee shots it would shock you.


Absolutely the worse thing possible for many golfers though.

Do you mean to aim shoulders, hips, and feet left, then aim clubface at target?

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
The trick to aiming left and swinging right is to make sure your right arm still gets "underneath" enough.

That is why it is a disaster for most golfers, their right arm gets too "on top" and it is pull/smother/hook city.
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