NSA 2.0...name that fault!

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Using this video has helped me immensely...I was hitting 165-170 7 irons on the range after incorporating the various procedures on NSA(Excellent since I could barely hit a 7 iron 130 before). Occasionally, however, while the compression was great for all shots, I obviously hit some bad ones. For the following bad shots, what part of the video do I need to work on or re-visit.

Thx in advance.

1. Hooks (start left, and turn a little more left).
2. Dead Pull (Left all the way).
3. Push Right.
4. Fat Shots(pretty much hitting 6 inches behind the ball lol). :eek:

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
1. Hooks (start left, and turn a little more left).

You're hitting the back of the ball instead of the inside aft for some reason. Could be closed clubface, could be slightly over the top, could be no axis tilt.

2. Dead Pull (Left all the way).

similar to 1

3. Push Right.

You're swinging too far to the right

4. Fat Shots(pretty much hitting 6 inches behind the ball lol). :eek:

combination of #3 and lack of pivot, thus you can't get your hands in front of the ball enough to hit down on it so you have 2 options: 1) flip at it or 2) you hit it fat
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