NSA / Twistaway issues

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I bought and downloaded NSA 2.0 and have got a load out of it. Totally re-juvenated my swing

However I seem to have a number of recurring issues I would like some advice with

1. I have a rare habit of reverse pivoting because I seem to 'twist away' by flattening my left wrist too early in the turn which drops my left shoulder instead of it rotating. I then compensate by going too wide in the BS which leads to a sway. Any good tips on ensuring I can make a good pivot and combine this with the right twistaway move?

2. I have been hitting a few big pulls, possibly still coming OTT with the now shut club face. Any ideas how to straighten this out. I have a suspiscion it may be to do with setup or my pivot as it seems to come and go

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I bought and downloaded NSA 2.0 and have got a load out of it. Totally re-juvenated my swing

However I seem to have a number of recurring issues I would like some advice with

1. I have a rare habit of reverse pivoting because I seem to 'twist away' by flattening my left wrist too early in the turn which drops my left shoulder instead of it rotating. I then compensate by going too wide in the BS which leads to a sway. Any good tips on ensuring I can make a good pivot and combine this with the right twistaway move?

2. I have been hitting a few big pulls, possibly still coming OTT with the now shut club face. Any ideas how to straighten this out. I have a suspiscion it may be to do with setup or my pivot as it seems to come and go

The twist away does not have anything to do with your dropping of the left shoulder, that's just a pivot issue that you have that you need to work on. Do a search for "perfect pivot" on this site and you'll see brian's article on how to complete one on the backswing.

Twistaway, done properly, DOES NOT create a closed clubface. It creates a very neutral clubface as long as you employ the grip that is required for this type of move. More than likely if you have just a "dead pull" shot you are in deed either coming over the top or you have no axis tilt through the ball which is forcing the club to go too in after impact.
Thanks for that. I guess the main issue I feel as if im having is combining the correct pivot with the twistaway move in the hands/wrists
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