Number One Imperative

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As we are here to help one another with the 3 imperatives can anyone give me their opinions on what i can do to get the number one imperative in my swing. I have watched confessions of former flipper but still seem to flip even when i really try and whack it with my pivot. I time it pretty well as i am 5 handicap. I really want to sort this out before summer. Pls Help.

this is the down the line versian. I know they go so quick it is very hard to see much. Maybe you can see the way my pivot moves.

Many Thanx:)

I'll take a stab, but make sure you listen to Brian, Jim and the others long before you take my advice. It looks to me that if you kept your pivot going just a little more that you wouldn't flip. I think you stop your pivot short and you flip because you run out of room to swing so you have to flip just to keep the clubhead moving. Just my opinion. By the way, overall you have a nice motion.

Jim S.
golfer 24, first thing I would try is going after the ball and try to hit it harder, that may help you pivot through the ball better. You look like you are swinging tooooooo easy. A more aggressive swing may take care of some of your faults but then again you might be better off listening to someone else. I forget who it was but they said first learn to swing hard, and then build the swing, that may in turn take care of what starretj said.
Thanks Guys. I have watched Confessions of a former flipper again, the answers are all in this video."Impact hand location as i the golfer sees it"

It is purely a case of there is no magic secret to changing this it does require hard work meaning hitting hundreds of balls not just the 30 or so i normally hit.

Thanks for your help.

....with a credit card stuffed inside your glove....instant feedback if your left hand is flipping thru impact and not staying flat.

Nice one hg.

Just a note, if this can help...I use the last three fingers of my left hand pushing against the grip (PP #2) in a curling action to get the full roll of the horizontal hinge.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Thanks Guys. I have watched Confessions of a former flipper again, the answers are all in this video."Impact hand location as i the golfer sees it"

It is purely a case of there is no magic secret to changing this it does require hard work meaning hitting hundreds of balls not just the 30 or so i normally hit.

Thanks for your help.


K, maybe this did help you and fix you and i'm happy. However this isn't your issue.

I see 2 things right away in those vids that almost MAKES you throw it away no matter how hard you try not too.

1) Face on vid: You have my old issue i have talked about before. Axis tilt at the top of the swing and BEGINNING of the downswing but none through the ball. When this happens you are so far "ahead" of the ball (whole body) you will push this thing so far right and fade it you'll be like "what the hell was that?" So, you have to, as brian says, find a way to eliminate that BY FLIPPING AT IT. So, keep that right shoulder going more downplane and remeber that the swing goes left after impact and combined with impact hand location you will be much better off.

2) Down the line vid: This video doesn't look like you have the issue above. Why? Because your right shoulder is going downplane to the ball, the only way to do that is if you have some sort of tilt. BUT what's the issue here? You are swinging too inside/out at the ball and are under plane a bit. How do i know? Because your shoulders are almost completely square to your target line in that video, they need to be much more open. So what happens when you swing too far to the right with the shoulders not far enough open at impact? YOU HIT A BIG OLE PUSH SHOT! So how to get that that thing to come back to target ;) THE FLIP!

Also, keep in mind that BOTH of these issues are related to each other. The more you lose your tilt through the ball the more the club drops underplane (usually for a better player). So learn to keep your tilt and PRACTICE with a plane laser or something attached to the butt end of that club to keep pointing more at the plane line.

I promise once you get both done "right" you'll know it cuz it will go higher/longer/dead straight without any effort at all.

K, maybe this did help you and fix you and i'm happy. However this isn't your issue.

I see 2 things right away in those vids that almost MAKES you throw it away no matter how hard you try not too.

1) Face on vid: You have my old issue i have talked about before. Axis tilt at the top of the swing and BEGINNING of the downswing but none through the ball. When this happens you are so far "ahead" of the ball (whole body) you will push this thing so far right and fade it you'll be like "what the hell was that?" So, you have to, as brian says, find a way to eliminate that BY FLIPPING AT IT. So, keep that right shoulder going more downplane and remeber that the swing goes left after impact and combined with impact hand location you will be much better off.

2) Down the line vid: This video doesn't look like you have the issue above. Why? Because your right shoulder is going downplane to the ball, the only way to do that is if you have some sort of tilt. BUT what's the issue here? You are swinging too inside/out at the ball and are under plane a bit. How do i know? Because your shoulders are almost completely square to your target line in that video, they need to be much more open. So what happens when you swing too far to the right with the shoulders not far enough open at impact? YOU HIT A BIG OLE PUSH SHOT! So how to get that that thing to come back to target ;) THE FLIP!

Also, keep in mind that BOTH of these issues are related to each other. The more you lose your tilt through the ball the more the club drops underplane (usually for a better player). So learn to keep your tilt and PRACTICE with a plane laser or something attached to the butt end of that club to keep pointing more at the plane line.

I promise once you get both done "right" you'll know it cuz it will go higher/longer/dead straight without any effort at all.


NICE post Jim-you're gettin smart homey:) Now, without a plane laser how do we correct this? Would trying to keep the head back help?
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One more question Jim. I remember some time ago you said you gained something like 10 m.p.h. with your driver from working on axis tilt one winter, Is this what you were speaking of? Not losing your tilt through impact?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
One more question Jim. I remember some time ago you said you gained something like 10 m.p.h. with your driver from working on axis tilt one winter, Is this what you were speaking of? Not losing your tilt through impact?

Sort of, that was part of it. But by keeping my axis tilt and making sure the right shoulder went down plane is where i found all the speed.

The tilt combined with the on plane right shoulder allowed me to get more trigger delay which resulted in much more speed.
Thanks Jim,
When you say right shoulder downplane i take that to mean down the inclined plane. I heard McHatton say he regularly wipes the grass stains off his right shoulder. Is this a good visual image to follow.



Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Thanks Jim,
When you say right shoulder downplane i take that to mean down the inclined plane. I heard McHatton say he regularly wipes the grass stains off his right shoulder. Is this a good visual image to follow.



It goes down the Turned Shoulder Plane.


Coming into impact

Been working on this still a couple of months away from achieving my goal of flat left wrist through impact. This attached swing is the closest i have got.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Been working on this still a couple of months away from achieving my goal of flat left wrist through impact. This attached swing is the closest i have got.

Getting much better and it seems like you are more of the horizontal hinge "pure swing" type where the left wrist does break a bit early which is OK.

However what is really important to me that is showing improvement is that AFTER impact and during the SWIVEL i can see your the tops of your left hand fingers. This means that you have swiveled with a relatively flat left wrist otherwise i would not have been able to catch that.

Just keep working on it and hitting those short shots like you are doing and eventually you will get through it.

Good work.


Two more things that i really like:

1) Divot started waaaay past the ball which is great
2) I heard the "sizzle" of the ball which is really just good ball contact and a divot taking sound. But all great ballstrikers have that.
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