Ok, let me have it.

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Curtis76, I just watched it frame by frame and I do believe a small portion of my left foot does indeed remain on the ground throughout the swing.

Brian, please email me privately if 2-4 pm range will work.
I've seen worse! jk

I was at the range today and saw a very large man murdering the stack & tilt, huge reverse pivot. Ouch, flashbacks.

You don't look that bad but you're definitly lifting that left foot.
Quick question, what's the first song on this:


I love it, is it from Slumdog? Thanks and sorry to get off topic.
Funny you saw that- that's my new invention I filed for a patent on. Anderson does not like golf, he plays tennis, but has only been on a real tennis court twice. I tought him to play on that and am going to set up a website to sell them. Seems silly, I know, but I do have another job to fall back on if it flops.

As a side note, this is the same kid in the down swing squat post.
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Ok, enough fun at my expense! Now if you have something useful (aside from the left foot), hit me with it.

Hey D,

No fun at your expense was intended by me. I was light heartedly questioning curtisj76's comparison with "The Hat".

However, you might like to look at Greg McHatton's swing and compare his below the belt motion with your own. Could be something to be learned from that.
Hey D,

No fun at your expense was intended by me. I was light heartedly questioning curtisj76's comparison with "The Hat".

However, you might like to look at Greg McHatton's swing and compare his below the belt motion with your own. Could be something to be learned from that.

I can take it-- just lay off my kid!
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